Chapter 19

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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Sorry for the wait guys, I've been busy with my Jeffmads Angst book, and I've just had a bloody hectic week, but hey, I'm back now. 


Madison's p.o.v

Okay, so I probably shouldn't have said half the stuff I said. So sue me. It's over. I said it. It's done. It's not like I believe any of it, anyway. I was just tired and pissed and... you know what, I don't even know.

I flounced down the street, muttering furiously under my breath, cursing this and that. As much as I tried to shake it, the sight of Thomas' glistening eyes and his crushed face stayed fixed in my mind, as if to jeer at me look what you've done, you heartless bastard. I felt guilty. Incredibly guilty. It was just hidden somewhere under all the anger.

I didn't go to Abingdon Square. Too obvious. Instead, I went to the nearest Starbucks, a small corner branch that was pretty much empty. It was after 9 o'clock at night, after all. No-one would find me here.

The cashier was a college student, a 19-or-so year-old girl who was slumped over the counter, looking exhausted and completely done with life. I shook myself and walked, albeit a little nervously, over to the counter. Some of the indignant air that surrounded me dissipated.

"One small iced tea, please," I said politely, pushing a 5 over the counter. Manners cost nothing, people! "Keep the change as a tip."

The girl looked at the 5 dollar bill, up at me and then back down at the money, a huge grin on her face. There. Maybe I'd done something to clear my awful, awful sins.

"Name?" the girl asked sweetly, flicking her long ponytail.

"James, thanks."

She scribbled this down on the cup and motioned over to the empty waiting area. I shuffled over, and pulled my phone for something to do. It was exploding with messages from my cousin Hercules.


HERCULESMULLIGAN: I swear I will hunt you down

HERCULESMULLIGAN: Answer me James Madison Jr or I will call your mother

And that's just a few. Horrified by the last threat, I called him in confusion. He picked up almost straight away.

"Where the bloody hell are you, and what the bloody hell did you do?" he demanded angrily, so loud that I had to hold the phone away from my ear a little. A bit like they do in the movies.

"W-what?" I squeaked, terrified. The girl gave a strange look as the blender began to whir.

"To Thomas!" he replied, irritated.

"To Thomas?"

"He was crying!"

I felt even more guilty, if that was possible.

"We had an argument," was my only explanation.

"He was wearing a Care Bear onesie."

I felt my face blanch.

"Not the Care Bare onesie," I said, my tone hushed. Tears came to my eyes, and a lump formed in my throat. The blender stopped abruptly. "I-I'm at the Starbucks on the corner of 96th Street."

He ended the call.

I swallowed with difficulty, trying to get rid of the thick lump in my throat. It didn't work. The girl called my name, leaning on the counter as I came slowly forward.

"Relationship troubles?"

The voice was oddly familiar, and when I looked up, I was surprised to see Maria Reynolds. You know, from the party. I'd been so absorbed in my own thoughts that I hadn't realised.

In Sickness And In Health (Jeffmads): a Hamilton fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now