Chapter 3

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Part 3! God, I'm banging these out fast! Enjoy, and please remember to R&R.


Jefferson's p.o.v

Okay, note to self: never try to get dressed with a useless leg and no support.

The top half wasn't really a problem, just slip the t-shirt and hoodie on, but the jeans were another story. After unsuccessfully being able to put them on sitting down and with much swearing, I tried to put them on standing up, hopping around on one leg like some demented purple rabbit.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHY DO I WEAR SUCH TIGHT JEANS!?" I screamed loudly, fighting the urge to tear my own hair out. I heard stifled giggles outside the door, and yelled, "AND STOP BEING A NOSY PRICK, HAMILTON!"

After rather a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, cursing and shrieks of frustration, I was finally fully dressed, and lacing up my clumpy black military-grade boots. Grabbing my cane and my phone this time, I made my way out, being thankful of the lack of stairs.

"Thanks for the room," I said gratefully as I hung around at the front door, Eliza fretting that I had to have something to eat. "I'll find Mads and sort this whole mess out."

Eliza gave me a kind smile, waving me off before closing the front door. As I headed down the street, I brought my phone out of my pocket and tried phoning Mads.

Madison's p.o.v

Inside my pocket, my phone buzzed angrily, informing me that someone wanted to get in touch with me. With fumbling, frozen fingers, I managed to get it out, only to find that it was Thomas. Of course. Tears once again stinging at the corners of my eyes, I shoved it back in my pocket, rubbing my fingers together in an attempt to restore circulation to them. Damn him if he thought he could guilt-trip me over the phone. Damn him.

Jefferson's p.o.v

"You've reached James Madison. If you're from work, call 08917 345826. Thomas, if that's you, I'm probably fine so stop fussing, or I'm mad at you, and in that case, you know where I'll be. Please leave a message after the tone... beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep"

Surprised as I listened to Madison's overly familiar voicemail, I began to get very worried indeed.

"James? It's Thomas," I said nervously, unsure of how to word my thoughts. "I-I know I said some pretty horrible stuff, and I know I probably sounded serious, but I promise you that I meant none of it. You probably won't listen to this, but I'll be there soon, and I'll tell you in person. Um... bye."

Knowing how rife street crime was in NYC, I quickly stowed my phone away as I neared Abingdon Square, limping faster than ever now. Even from my position by the gates, I could see Mads sitting, shivering on his bench.

"Mads!" I called over to him, and before he could rush off, I sat on his lap to prevent any escape. "We're going to sort this out, right here, right now."

Madison's p.o.v


Jefferson's p.o.v

Our faces were barely an inch apart, and we gazed into each other's eyes. You can learn a lot from someone's eyes. The morning sun reflected from his soft dark eyes, and the innocence that hid in their depths was startling. The air around us was sharp and crisp, and for a moment, it only seemed to be us in the whole world. I shook myself back into reality.

"Look, I didn't mean any of that stuff I said," I told him, trying as hard as I could to maintain eye contact. "I-"

"I forgive you," he replied almost instantly, fiercely hugging my midsection, not being able to reach any further up than that. "You were in pain, probably still a little drugged up, you didn't know what you were saying."

I hugged him back, a wave of affection for mon petit ami rushing forward. This man had stuck with me my entire life, through the good times and bad times, and I was grateful for that. More than grateful. I don't know how to explain it, emotions are complicated and annoying.

"OI, DO THAT ON YOUR OWN TIME, FAGGOTS!" one vile homophobe jeered, causing Madison to flush a deep crimson. I whipped round to face him, fury blazing in my eyes.

"GET SOME LESS OUTDATED VIEWS!" I yelled back, before calling him an obscenely rude name and pulling Madison away and towards the road, stepping out to hail a cab.

I didn't even see the car coming.

Madison's p.o.v

Thomas stepped out into the road, not too far at all, in a bid to hail a cab. In boredom and trying to shake the shock from the sudden verbal attack back at the park, I scanned the road, starting when I saw the Chevrolet. It was speeding dangerously fast, and was veering towards where Thomas was standing. Breathing hard, I watched as cars swerved in the road, and I knew exactly what I had to do. Without a second thought, I shoved Thomas towards the pavement, slamming hard onto the tarmac.

The last thing I felt was the car slam into me before everything went black.


Cliffhanger... this is where the angst comes in. Sorry for it being a bit shorter, I just felt that this was the right place to end it. Hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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