Chapter 14

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Okay, angst time! I know it's mean and I shouldn't do it, but this a hurt/comfort and angst fic, so if you ain't prepared for angst, I think you better leave now. Trigger warning for homophobia, definitely. Just so you know, I'm all for LGBTQ, I think homophobes need to take their heads out of their asses and learn to get some less outdated and obnoxious views. Just a note, I am not romanticising the Founding Fathers. Pretty much all of them were slave owners and did other horrible stuff: I'm writing about the characters from the musical. Just wanna clear that up. Jesus, this is a long A/N. Sorry, on with the story!


Madison's p.o.v

The morning after the party, we all woke up on the floor with very stiff necks and hangovers that would've knocked out a horse. Or an elephant, perhaps. Everyone dragged their asses out of our front door after raiding our aspirin stores, until it was only me, Thomas, a sleeping General and Hamilton. Washington's arm was wrapped protectively around Alex's waist, in a way that said you mess with me or my son, there will be hell to pay. Eliza had gone already to relieve their babysitter.

"God, my head is about the split open," Thomas groaned, head lolling as he lay on the sofa, an arm over his eyes.

"Mm," is all I could say as a wave of nausea hit me.

"I'm never drinking again."

"Agreed," Washington's scratchy voice said suddenly from down on the floor. We both looked over to see the President of the United States sitting up groggily, rubbing his head and extracting his arm from around the Treasury Secretary. "Martha is going to murder me, I told her I'd be home by midnight."

We watched, awestruck as he shook Hamilton gently, causing the Carribean man to snuffle a little in his sleep and lean towards Washington's warmth.

"Son, you need to get up," George whispered. Hamilton whimpered.

"Don't wanna, Dad," he murmured, and Washington gapsed a little, his eyes filling with tears, but he kept it together as Hamilton's eyes slowly opened. He sat bolt upright and ran towards the bathroom, Washington hot on his heels. We heard him throwing up, much to Thomas' distaste, who draped a hand over his stomach and groaned deeply.

"Tom, I'm gonna go down to the store and grab-" I began to say, but he cut me off as I turned towards the bedroom.


I turned to look at him. His eyes were wide and wild as his phone slipped from his loose grasp, crashing to the floor. Confused and terrified by his strange behaviour, I picked up his phone to see what had scared him so much.

What I saw shocked me.

The first thing to hit my eyes was a picture of us. We were kissing, my hand entangled in his hair. The background was dark, but I could make out a lamp, the light just catching the edge of our faces. I think we were in our room, but I wasn't sure, the picture quality wasn't too good. The caption read Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State and Senator James Madison, both 28. The article was titled Cabinet Controversy. As I read the article, my world, our world began to collapse around me.

Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Senator Madison, according to our anonymous source, are allegedly in a sexual relationship. The informant tells the New York Post that they have been together since a car accident in which they were both injured almost 2 months ago. Many are calling for the two to stand down from their posts. The White House has yet to comment on this shocking matter.

Under the short amount of text, there was several photographs. Us lying asleep next to each other, making breakfast, walking to work... the world spun as I stumbled backwards, tripping over a stray bottle and landing right on my ass, Thomas' phone once again being sent to the floor. My breath hitched in my throat, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe, I was being engulfed by panic, my vision was beginning to go black at the edges-

Suddenly, Washington's fuzzy face was in front of me. He was saying something, his lips were moving but I couldn't work out what, the world suddenly on mute. My chest was tight and oxygen didn't seem to be making its way to my lungs no matter how much I gasped like a dying fish.

"Breathe, Jemmy!" Thomas screamed out of the blue; I looked over to see him sobbing, his cheeks wet and glistening. Mentally slapping myself, I tried to get my breathing under control. 5 in, 5 out, that's it...

"I didn't authorise this to be published," Hamilton's voice drifted into my ear. He sounded oddly mad. "I've never seen this before in my life, because the reporter knows they would've got fired if I had. See? No name, the coward."

I took a few deep breaths, struggling to stay strong before bursting into tears like a big old baby.

Jefferson's p.o.v

James began crying his heart out, great shuddering sobs that seemed to take every ounce of much-needed air out his body. Sniffing hard, I crawled over to him and took him in my arms, letting him bury his face in my shoulder.

"Shh, baby," I murmured in his ear, but my voice was shaking so hard that it probably did more harm than good.

"What are we gonna do?" he managed to bawl, his grip on my shoulder tightening. The dull throb in my leg had now turning into a sharp stab, and I winced a little, rubbing his back. Washington was talking angrily on his phone to someone.

"I've took it down," Hamilton announced, holding up his own phone. "But over 200,000 people saw it before I had chance to."

What were we going to do?


Hope you enjoyed this!! Hugs and kisses!

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