Not Pepsi, ugh

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An alarm rings through my ears and I feel like personally stealing Mjolnir from Thor and smashing the alarm clock. It wouldn't go down too well with the Asguardian Demi-God, but who cares, as long as it stops this awful racket.

Instead of murdering the clock with an ancient thunder wielding hammer, I decide on asking a certain something for help.

"Jarvis. Please turn the alarm clock off."

"I'm sorry, Miss Maria, but Mr Stark wants you up immediately." The voice of Jarvis announces, stopping the clock.

"Why? It's Sunday." I groan.

"He has a Miss Potts on the 9th floor for breakfast, and Mr Stark has requested that you join them."

I groan extremely loudly and for exaggeration bang my head lightly into the wall.

"Not Pepsi, ugh. Jarv, this is a joke isn't it?"

"Sorry to disappoint Miss Stark, but it is not, and Mr Stark is growing impatient."

Clicking my tongue, I roll out of bed and onto the plush, carpeted floor. I'm telling you right now, I am not changing my comfy clothes for a ball gown just because old peppy is here for a snack.

My hair does look like a birds nest though, so I ungracefully flip my hair over and tie it in a messy bun, letting a few strands fall loose.

"Jarvis, do you know where I chucked my fluffy socks?" I ask.

I always take my socks off before bed. If you can sleep with socks on while sleeping, you're a sinner. Just kidding, of course, but it should be illegal.

"The pink fluffy donut pair? They're just by your door Miss Stark."

"Thanks Jarv."

As I walk I pull on my socks, making my way towards an elevator.

I press the number 9 on the keypad and patiently wait, tapping my foot on the cool, marble flooring of the elevator for effect.

I turn to look at myself in the mirror of the elevator, noticing how good these pajama shorts look. I'm also wearing an AC/DC tank top, Dad bought it for me a while back.

Of course the highlight of the outfit is my pink, fluffy donut socks, who could forget those beauties?

"It is I, the lady of the hou-, tower, I have come to dine with thou, I apologise greatly for my attire, the ball gown elves are currently on holiday sadly." I announce myself, walking into the large breakfast dining room and sitting right at the other end of the table, as far away from Dad and Peppo as possible.

The room was extremely extravagant, with a glass chandelier over the dark, long, oak dining table. A few pictures littered the walls. The carpet was extremely expensive, I remember helping Dad choose it about a year ago, he called it hideous, I called it stunning. It was a black and purple zebra print carpet, soft as anything.

Pottsy and Dad are extremely close together, and I narrow my eyes like a snake.

"What doth thou desire for the break of fast? Waffles? Salad of Fruit?" Dad says, glancing away from Pepper.

"How dare thou suggest such a thing, salad of fruit, you madman, I shall be wishing to dine on the finest loops of fruit you have."

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