Calm down Spangles

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"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the tesseract, this does not mean that we're-"

"I'm sorry."  Bruce announces smugly, turning the computer screen around to show a missile blueprint.

"What, were you lying?" Dad finishes Bruce's sentence and I swear Dad and Bruce mentally high five.

Fury looks very flustered and tries to start explaining himself. Just then, Black Widow and Thor walk in.

"They all look triggered." I whisper to Munch.

"Yeah. Fury looks ready to murder Stark."

Bruce and Natasha have a heated conversation, followed by Nick Fury pointing a finger a Thor, literally, not metaphorically.

"Completely off topic, but do you think I would look good in Cap's suit?" Munch asks, eyeing the bickering group.

"Maybe. I'd look even better though."

We carry on observing the fight, not wanting to get involved. I don't fancy being decapitated by Thor's hammer, or crush by Banner if he hulks out.

"Remind me again how you made your fortune Stark." I hear Fury say.

"I'm sure if he still made weapons Stark would be neck deep in it." Captain Patriotic pipes up.

"Wait, wait, hold on, why is this now about my Dad." I say loudly, everyone turning to look at me and Munch.

"Isn't everything about him?" Rogers says, staring coldly at me.

"Calm down Spangles, and stop pointing fingers." I retort.

Small arguments begin to irrupt around the room.

"Stop getting involved, you shouldn't even be here, what is she doing here?" Steve Rogers asks my Dad.

"She's helping out, more than you anyway." Dad replies, taking a step towards Steve.

"She's just getting in the way and doesn't take anything seriously, a lot like you Stark."

"If I wasn't an average 16 year old girl right now, I'd slap you so hard." I tell Rogers, glaring at him.

"Try it and see what happens." He laughs.

"Hey, is that a threat?" Dad says.

I decide to just ignore everyone at that point, looking out the window and noticing a ship. And Loki's sceptre glowing. I nudge Munch, and see he's already staring at the ship.

"Guys." I say.

Everyone carries on.

"For gods sake." I sigh.

Munch and I get up, trying to get Fury's attention, yet they're all focused on battling each other verbally. Tapping Natasha on the shoulder, I point to the aircraft outside.

"You speak of control, yet you court chaos." Thor says.

"It's his M.O, isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're...we're a time-bomb." Banners says, leaning against the sceptre table.

Everyone eyes Bruce warily, unsure of if he's about to transform into a green rage monster.

"Why shouldn't we let the guy let off a little steam?" Dad says jokingly, slinging his arms round Steve which makes me smile.

"You know damn well why. Back off." Rogers retaliates, pushing Dad's arm off.

"Ohh, touchy are we Capo?" I snigger.

"Oh, I'm starting to make you want me." Dad says, facing Cap.

"Big man in a suit of armour, take that off, what are you?" Steve says.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." Dad lists.

Natasha, Munch and I all share impressed glances and nods.

"You know, you always have a way out, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero."

"Guys we're gonna die." I mutter, eyeing up Bruce as he grips Loki's magic stick.

"Yeah, or that's gonna kill us." Munch says, motioning dramatically to the airship.

Still the only person who pays attention to us is Natasha.

"I don't know how you work with these people." I address Natasha.

"Yeah, me neither." She sighs.

"Hey, I'm a nice person." Munch pipes up.

"Yep, you're great Munch."

I'm about to make a sarcastic comment about how Cap looks like he's constipated, when an extremely loud noise interrupts me. Followed by, yay, a massive explosion, sending everyone flying around the lab.

Well, lucky me, the floor below me breaks and I'm sent flying downwards with Munch, yeah that's fine, Natasha, scary but funny, and freaking Bruce Banner, who is currently breathing very heavily. Just great. We're in some sort of basement area, all of us lying on the ground.

Munch and I exchange terrified glances as Natasha attempts to calm Bruce down. She shoos away a couple of approaching agents and motions for me and Munch to stay still. Her foot is trapped under some debris, it looks painful.

Slowly, Munch passes me a small handgun, already loaded. I raise an eyebrow, what the hell is this going to do against the hulk? He just shrugs back, putting the gun away.

It's times like this I actually question why I even exist, I watch horrified as Bruce starts transforming into the Hulk.

A giant melon is about to try and kill me.

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