The Offenders. We call ourselves The Offenders.

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"We're practically The Avengers now." Yara says.

"Not quite, they're a lot more tough than us and don't like having fun." I reply, resting my head on the arm of the couch.

"How would you know that?" Victor laughs.

"Because I've met them, got trapped in a falling cage with Thor actually."

"Her Dad is also Tony Stark." Yara adds.

"Bullshit." Says Victor.

Rolling my eyes, I shake Jacob to wake him up. After that, we all make our way outside the cosy cabin. It's still pitch black outside, but the scenery has changed from a 'busy and being machine gunned' city to a peaceful and serene forest. I notice that there is no car, brilliant. We can't get anywhere without a broom broom can we?

Sensing our questioning, Jacob disappears and seconds later reappears with a car. This guy.

He honks the horn loudly at us, smiling like a maniac.

"Alright, we get it Houdini." I sigh, nabbing the front seat.

I whisper something in Jacob's ear and he nods, starting the car up and beginning to drive down a gravelly road.

"I'm not even gonna ask how you got this." Victor says.

"Yeah, don't."

"Where are we going?" Yara sighs.

I turn my head and look at her, giving a small grin.

"Stark Tower, or now known as The Avengers Tower, my home."
"Jesus, I let you leave for a week and look what happens." My Dad sighs, beckoning for us all to come in and sit round the large dining room.

I see it isn't icy anymore. I preferred the frozen aesthetic though.

"Who are these people?" Dad asks, seating himself at the head of the table.

"Yara, skilled hacker and an amazing friend. You already know Jacob, and Victor, don't know much about him but he's Jacob's friend." I explain.

Dad nods as the others all sit down.

"What do you need then?" Dad asks.

"I have information on Carrie Ze Ruste. She's apparently apart of an organisation called SEEK. And they've been hunting us the past two days, had a couple of close calls actually." I say.

Dad thinks for a moment, all eyes in the room on him.

"Is SEEK something bad or good?" He says.

It's Victor's turn to speak up, "Bad, they're a side organisation to HYDRA, but hardly anyone knows about them. As you can most likely tell, they're very secretive and dangerous."

"We need anything you have on her Mr Stark." Jacob says.

"The only weird thing about Carrie was that she'd disappear for a few days occasionally, not explaining where she went. Now you have that, Maria get your posse to exit for a sec, I need to speak to you."

They all leave the room, leaving just my Dad and I facing each other. We're not exactly on the best terms at the moment.

"Nice little clique you got there. What do you call yourselves, the power rangers?" He smirks.

"No, we're The Offenders." I murmur.

"Didn't quite catch that."

"The Offenders. We call ourselves The Offenders. Now, what do you need to urgently chat with me about apart from power rangers?" I ask.

"I need to know how you are. Last time I saw you you pulled an ice queen and froze the whole room. When are you coming home?"

"When I find my Mother." I reply.

"And then what?"

"I'll come home."

Dad doesn't seem convinced but smiles, "How I wish that you'd go back to giving Loki lunchables and being hostile to Pepper, which I don't support by the way, instead of finding criminal organisations and being hunted by maniacs."

"Me too. But I'm too far in now, and if I stay here I'd be putting you and Pepper at risk, these people are pretty relentless. They're probably trying to find us right now. When it's all over, I'll come back."

"Be careful."

I get up from my seat and laugh, "I'm always careful."
Sadly, I get the backseat behind Victor on the way back to the cabin.

Victor, what a strange guy. I think he's of Spanish descent. His eyes are a muddy brown which compliments his dark, thick hair nicely. Victor's build is very slim, the opposite to Munch's muscular body, but still athletic looking.

Obviously he has some kind of dark past, I'm not gonna press him on it, but I'm curious to how him and Munch are like besties.

As I'm thinking this I suddenly notice a strange device attached to Victor's neck.

"Victor, what's that on your neck?"

He feels his neck with his hand, pausing when the metal object comes into contact with his skin.

"I don't know. Yara, do you?"

Yara leans over me and studies the thing for a few seconds before saying, "That's a tracking device, high tech one too. We need to get it off you somehow."

"Great, so we've been being tracked this whole time. How did you even get that?" Munch sighs.

"Probably in close combat with the agents in Yara's office." Victor replies.

I try to pull it off, and it does so quite easily.

"Well that was easy." I shrug.

"Wait, wait, let me study it. It might have a location or something attached to it." Yara begs as I open the window to chuck it out.

"It's tracking us." Munch says.

"Yeah, let me disable the tracking."

I hesitate for a moment before handing it over to Yara. We get to the lodge and all go inside, locking the door behind us. Jacob produces a laptop which is given to Yara.

Literally a few minutes later she has tracked and gathered basically everything about this small device. Where it was made, how it was made, and most importantly, where it was issued to.

"Illinois. We're going to Illinois"

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