Maybe it's an Asgardian trend

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I'm very excited to go on this 'lil field trip to SHIELD. To be honest, the organisation had always interested me. From the solemn, eyepatch wearing leader to the massive airships, it amazes me how the whole thing works without at least some rats in there. I mean, there most likely are rats in there.

Thank God Peppso has magically disappeared, leaving me alone with my Dad to sieve through the digital and non-digital files left by Agent Coulson.

"Loki looks very in need of a new costume." I state.

"Yeah and a new helmet, reindeer games." Dad mutters, flicking a small article on radiation up on the screen.

"Where is h-"

I'm interrupted by my Dad suddenly getting an alert from, I'm guessing, SHIELD.

"Loki's been spotted. Gotta blast Maria, I'll be back in a bit."

"Excuse you, I want to go."

"Umm, no, I don't want you to get too close to him, plus I'm going to Germany."

"Field. Trip. Remember? You promised." I whine.

"No, I said you'd not be allowed near anything too dangerous. That includes the golden horned physcopath named Loki who is currently mutilating a man's eyeball. Now stay here." And with that his suit envelopes him and he blasts off.

"God sake." I mutter.

I can't be bothered to go all the way back to my room, so I throw myself onto a couch and busy myself with playing crossy road. I'm just about to beat my high score, when a loud bang interrupts me and I get hit by a police car. In Crossy Road obviously, I didn't just get pummelled by a cop's wagon.

"Damnit, you could've landed quieter." I shout, throwing my phone in anger at a cushion.

I spare a glance at the landing area, seeing a quinjet and not a man in an iron suit.

"Jarvis, who's just landed out there?" I sigh.

"A SHIELD aircraft." the AI responds.

Jumping of the couch, I walk towards the window, staring out to see who will get off the small aircraft. As if sensing my wonder, my Father climbs out the ship, still in his Iron Man suit.

"Maria. Come on. We're off to the helicarrier."

"Are you joking? In this?" I question, motioning to my attire.

"We don't have time. Come on."

Quickly running back in and getting my phone, I sprint back out and jump on the aircraft, suddenly feeling eyes on me.

I sit down and cross my arms and glance around the small space, seeing a...variety of people.

Right, let's start off with Thor. This guy is in battle armour, looks fresh out of Lord of the Rings or something. His hair, which don't mind me saying, looks like it hasn't been washed in a few years, reaches to just his shoulders, blonde in colour. Also, he looks like he must be a body builder or something, or maybe there's some type of muscle drug they give all Asguardian men. Oh, and let's not forget the infamous thunder hammer he easily holds.

Next we have Loki. Just one look and he immediately debunks my "muscle Asguardian drug to every Asguardian man" theory. Obviously he loves the colour green, his whole outfit full of it. Sadly, he's not wearing his stunning helmet with horns. Now, I thought Thor's hair looked like it hadn't been washed in a few years, Loki's looks like it hadn't been washed in a few centuries. Maybe it's an Asguardian trend, see how long you can go without washing your hair. Loki is definitely winning that challenge.

Dad's suit is a bit battered up I notice, I wonder who he got in a fight with. Thor also looks quite muddied up and stressed.

The next person I notice is Steve Rogers aka Captain America. He's wearing his famous red, white and blue outfit featuring patriotic stars. His shield is next to him, looking almost as patriotic as him. Currently, he's not wearing the small, blue helmet he usually does.

Two agents are at the front of the aircraft, muttering quietly. I recognise one as Natasha Romanoff, or Black Widow, her red hair bouncing as she cranes her neck to glance at me as the jet takes off.

For the next ten minutes everyone is silent, occasionally sharing looks and then staring at the floor again.

"Awkward." I say, drumming my fingers on my thigh.

"You just made it 10x more awkward." I hear Natasha call back.

"That was the plan." I reply.

More silence. Jesus, these people don't know how to have a good time.

"How about a sing song?" I hear my Father say.

"Oh my god-sorry, gosh, don't mean to offend you guys." I motion in the Demi-God brothers' direction, "yes, any ideas? Mr America?"

Before the poor man can reply Dad says, "Don't ask him, he'll be begging for us to sing the national anthem."

"True. How about you up front?" I call.

"I've always wanted to see Tony sing Over the Rainbow." Natasha says, steering the quinjet right slightly.

"Not today Natty, though I do love a good traditional song." He says.

"Oh, oh, I know." I take a deep breath stretch my arms, before shouting, "One thousand bottles of beers on the wall, one thousand bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, nine hundred and ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall."

My outburst causes Loki to cringe. "Must you bellow so loudly?"

"You want it louder reindeer games?" Dad says.

In response Loki groans loudly and puts his head in his hands as myself and my louder than me Father practically scream the song. Thor actually looks like he's about to batter himself in the head with his hammer.

We only get to 995, when Captain Can't handle a little sing song says, "One more word and I'm going to throw you off this aircraft."

I sigh defeatedly, throwing my arms in the air, "Fine, I see my musical talents aren't appreciated."

"Don't worry Maria, all that time as a capsicle made him lose the little humour he had." Dad says.

"Ha ha, funny. I'm seriously wondering when the day will come when you actually take something seriously. We've got a lot to do and you're singing with your daughter, who, quite frankly, I see no point whatsoever in being here."

"Hey, I'm on a field trip." I defend.

"You're all pathetic." I hear Thor say, checking his hammer.

The rest of the journey is in a boring silence, me occasionally tapping my foot, earning an annoyed glare from Mr America.

I don't understand why they're all so serious. Natasha and my Father are an exception, I already find Natasha's sarcastic sense of humour refreshing. It feels like forever, when in fact it's only been about ten minutes, when we've finally landed.

Thank God, I was starting to go stir-crazy.

Stark's Daughter/Tony Stark FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora