Alright Master Shifu

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"Yeah, Dad, just say I'm at an apprenticeship with Stark Industries. It's believable." I say into my phone, hanging up shortly after.

"Problem with school?" Munch asks.

"Yeah." I reply throwing my phone onto my hotel bed.

"Back up then, you need to practice with forming a snowball again." Munch says, leaning further back on his cheap chair.

We'd booked a small hotel room in a remote part of the city, plans of finding this strange Horatio guy already forming in my head. But Jacob's still adamant that I learn how to control my powers. The first step: forming a snowball.

"I can't do it." I groan, straightening my back.

I put my hands in a cupping position, willing all my energy to go into making a snowball. As I do this, my body starts to chill slightly. I just end up with a pile of snow in my cupped hands. Just great.

"Why can't I do this!" I say, dumping the sludgy ice in a nearly full bucket.

"Try again." Munch says for what feels like the a thousandth time.

"Right." I say, taking a deep breath in.

I concentrate again, closing my eyes, this time focusing on creating this damn snowball. I feel the cold surge through me once again, and my hands start to go a little bit numb due to the amount of snow I've been holding.

"Well done Carrot!" Munch cheers.

I gingerly open one eye and see a perfectly spherical ball of snow in my hands.

"Finally. Watch out Munch, snowball queen is around these parts." I say, chucking the snowball at him.

He catches it in his right hand, the round shape staying intact. Okay Jack Frost, calm down.

"How did you do that without it falling apart!" I exclaim.

"Practice my student." He replies as he crushes the snowball.

"Alright Master Shifu. I swear this isn't even possible." I groan, chucking myself onto my plush single bed.

"Anything is possible when you have inner peace." Munch replies.

Wait, he just actually quoted Master Shifu on me. Jesus Christ almighty.

"Can I please go to bed now?" I ask.

"Nope, hand to hand training next."

I'm mediocrely skilled in hand to hand combat, Dad got me a personal trainer a while back so I could defend myself. After a few months, the trainer got very annoyed at me constantly talking after each punch I threw. Yeah, didn't last long. I did manage to teach myself the basics though.

"Really? I already know that stuff." I sigh, getting up from my bed once again.

"Okay, well prove it. Beat me in a fight." Jacob says.

"No powers allowed." I warn.

Munch nods, rolling his shoulders like he's about to enter a boxing ring. So much for this boxing ring, the hotel room is pretty basic. Approaching Munch, I mentally plan what I'm going to do. Go for the legs.

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