Freeze him please?

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The man throws something at Munch, it connecting with his arm and making him fall to the floor instantly. The street is very quite.

"What did you do to him?" I shout, running towards my friend on the pavement.

"I don't want him. I want you dead. Carrie." He replies.

"I'm not Carrie. Just stay there." I say, motioning for him to stay where he is.

In response he lunges towards me like a rabid animal, aiming the large knife for my heart. I duck, the knife sliding across my the left side of my exposed forehead.

Ahh, I do love a good knife fight.

As gross as it sounds, my own blood starts to shroud my left eye's vision. Brilliant, just what I need.

"Now would be a good time to kick in powers." I shout, hiding behind a car as the crazy man plunges the knife in the door of it.

Reaching my hand towards him, I pray something useful will happen. Freeze him please?

"I've been looking for you for years Carrie, my wife is dead because of you." He screams, attempting a jab at my stomach as I run behind a different car.

"I didn't do anything to your wife! I'm not Carrie." I shout in reply, holding my free hand against the gushing cut on my head.

"Don't try and save yourself, you worthless bitch." He spits.

"Wow! That hurt my feelings." I say, head popping over the top of the car and reaching my hand forward again.

I'm not lying, he looks like he's frothing at the mouth. This man is the definition of 'blinded by anger.'

"Right, come on Maria. Freeze him or-" I'm interrupted by a bolt of lightning coming out of my hand, hitting the man right in the chest. He's definitely knocked out. Or dead.

"Or that." I finish, nodding in satisfaction.

Running over to Munch, I realise that I've now got icy powers and lightning powers. Makes sense as I was zapped with both. I wonder what else I can do.

"Munch. Come on, wake up." I say, slapping his face gently.

"G-get this thing off." He groans, tapping the small device attached to his arm.

I manage to pry it off and chuck it into the road. Thank God that is over. Blood is still pouring out of the massive gash on my head though.

"How did you defeat him?" Munch asks, sitting up.

"I-I shot lightning out of my hand." I say.

"My God you're full of surprises." Jacob sighs, standing up fully.

"That's me."

He suddenly notices the very evident cut on my head and the amount of blood coming out of it.

"Oh my God." He says, taking off his hoodie.

He takes my hand away and presses the hoodie onto the cut, then puts my hand back over, holding it in place.

"We need to get you to hospital or something." He sighs, kicking the unconscious man lightly.

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