Greasy Gertrude

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Meanwhile on earth

Tony downs the rest of the liquor in his glass, looking up at the eye patched man standing in front of his desk.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?" He asks, putting the glass down.

"The afternoon she went missing, so did Jacob White, a wanted SHIELD criminal, and a Quinjet." Nick says.

"Brilliant. Just. Brilliant."

"I'm sorry, Mr Stark, but it's almost as if she's disappeared off the face of the earth."

Back to Maria and co

"I'm gonna miss Howard." I sigh, taking in the planet of Asgard for the second time.

Water is spilling over the flat planet, it looks so mystical.

"Yeah, me too, he sacrificed his freedom for ours, what a swell guy."

"You mean duck."

"Swell duck." Munch corrects himself.

"Okay, so, are you going to tell me what that iciness was about? Or are we just going to ignore it?"

"Ignore it." Munch replies shortly.

We've set the jet in autopilot, in case Munch passes out again or something. We got out of Knowhere practically unscathed, apart from the occasional shiver from getting electrocuted, we're fine. The Quinjet was parked outside the museum, as if God himself placed it there.

Jacob is still a complete mystery. I know practically nothing about his past, he has strange powers, and is a very bad liar.

He looks like he's having a mind conversation with someone, his face deep in concentration and his lips moving occasionally.

"Are we like, authorised to go there?" I ask.

"I think so."

A few minutes later and we're landing on a small platform in Asgard, Munch looking like he has a terrible headache.

The city is amazing, and I can't help but wish I lived here. The sky is blue, the buildings are tall.

I can't marvel at the view for long though as before we can even exit the Quinjet, Munch grabs my arm and we're suddenly teleported to somewhere.

That somewhere being the outside of Loki's cage. Wow, he looks a mess. The cage has broken furniture and marks in it, he must get very bored.

"Dear lord, you look awful." I say, tapping on the weird force field of the cage and earning a small zap.

"What in heaven's name are you doing here?" Loki says, his dead looking eyes staring at us, holding on Munch for a while.

"Here for a chat." I reply.

"Well, we're getting you out fir-"

"Wait, what? No we're not." I interrupt.

Munch just awkwardly shuffles and shrugs his shoulders. He completely played me.

"You played me? Why would you want to get him out? We came here for answers, not to let him go."

Jacob completely ignores me and rests his hand over the small, square control panel by the side of the cage, freezing it completely then punching it, the force field disappearing.

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