Wow, a talking duck

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My vision is blurry as I wake up. Where the hell am I exactly? Last thing I remember was passing out.

Bang bang bang.

What the hell is that.

"Maria! Wake up!"

I fully open my eyes. Where I am, well, who the hell knows? It seems a little steamy in here, literally. An eery, dull, blue light fills the container, well, it looks like I'm in a container. As I'm leaning against the glass walls of the cylinder shaped cage, I turn my head towards the banging, to see an identical cage to mine, but with a red light instead, spicy. It's housing no other than the misty figure of Munch.

"Carrot? You awake!" He shouts.

He's shouting, I think. It sounds like barely a whisper because of the barriers between us.

"Y-yeah. Jacob, where are we?" I shout back as loud as possible.

"I have no idea. I woke up about an hour ago."

"You passed out suddenly, so I tried to control the Quinjet but a loud, high pitch noise started and caused me to pass out too. Why did you pass out?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure." He replied loudly.



Noticing what I'm wearing, I squeal. It resembles a hospital gown, but is shockingly white and has buttons down the sides. There's also a thick, metal bracelet around my wrist which I can't pull off.

"My god, why am I in a white dress?"

"I'm in the same thing."

"Wait, you're in a white dress." I laugh.

"Shut up."

"Lol at you, you're in a dress."

"Maria! I swear down-"

"Silence!" A voice shouts.

I decide not the mimic the voice. I don't have a death wish.

"Good, good. Now, you may be wondering where you are. My name is Taneleer Tivan, but just call me The Collector. You are in Knowhere, in my museum. Feel honoured, for you are now part of my museum. Welcome to the collection."

"Wait, you make no sense, we're in no where?" I shout.

"Knowhere, it's a place." I hear Munch shout.

"Well that's just great. Look, I'm very honoured, believe me. But I'm also an extremely busy woman. You know, places to be, people to see."

Standing up, I wipe the condensation away from the glass and peer out.

I didn't think I was that bad of a person. This is hell. What the actual heck is this place.

There's a duck, that is human size, wearing clothes in a square cage next to me. Okay, traumatising. I look as far as I can and see a Chitauri. What's that dude doing in here. Still rocking the metal aesthetic. Maybe I'm hallucinating, but there's a dog wearing an astronaut suit. It blinks at me and I try not to do a backflip. That's all I can see from here, I move my eyes along a little, seeing nothing else. I nearly scream as some crazy man jumps in front of me, his face separated from mine through the glass.

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