Do I look like a walnut to you?

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"I need an aircraft." I repeat into my phone.

To be honest, I look very inconspicuous in the traditional inconspicuous outfit. You know what I'm talking about, black hoodie, baseball cap and sunglasses. Sitting on a bench, I listen to the voice of Jacob aka Munch reply.

"I can't just break into SHIELD an-"

"Yes you can! You work there." I interrupt.

"Not anymore, they fired me!"

"Good! A perfect reason for you to steal from them!"

"I can't just-"

"Yes you can, now, I'll meet you in a bit."

And with that I hang up.

"Wow, nice quinjet." I say.

It's very similar to the one where I first met the avengers.

"Yep, so, you mind telling me why you need this?"

Munch sits down across from me and waits expectantly. I sigh and cross my arms.

"Loki knows something about my Mum that I don't. I need to get to Asguard and find him."

"You want to go to Asguard? And find Loki?" Munch repeats, his eyebrows sky high.

"Yeah, did I just not say that?"

"Well, you're gonna need a wingman."

"You want to come with me?" I ask, my turn to raise my eyebrows.

"Well yeah, I have no family, no job. It'll be fun."

There's a very long silence, and I stare intently at Munch. Something is off. Very off.

"You're hiding something." I say.

"What? No." Munch says.

"Yes you are."

"I'm not." He repeats.

"You definitely are, do I look like a walnut to you?" I say sarcastically.


"Wow I'm offended."

"Just kidding." He says, green eyes rolling.

"So, what're you hiding?"

He whines "Nothing, I told you."

"You're not allowed to come unless you tell me what you're hiding."

Another silence follows, and I watch in astonishment as Munch flicks his hand over his head and his light, blonde hair turns raven black.

"Holy shit, you're a magician."

Munch actually looks like he's going to knock himself out with the wall of the Quinjet, so I decide not to press on the matter. He'll tell me soon enough.

But he has some sort of powers, being able to change his hair colour like that. I wonder what else he can do.

As Munch's hair turns back to blonde, I seat myself at the front of the jet, eyeing up the controls.

"Umm, you do know how to fly one of these right?"


Jacob plonks himself next to me, masterly clicking buttons and pulling leavers.

"Are you definitely sure that you want to do this? I don't want to be wanted by your Father because I 'kidnapped you'." Munch says, the engine starting up.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm ready."

"Okay. Let's go. Are you sure you want to go to Asguard?"

"You're acting like a tour guide. Like, when have you been off the planet?"

"You'd be surprised."

My god, am I going to an alien planet with a war criminal with fancy hair dye or something?
"You're not going to get good cell service up here." Munch sighs.

"Yeah, well, I'm adjusting to the surroundings." I respond, sighing angrily as my car crashes on finger driver.

The sky is dark, very dark. Stars are shimmering and winking everywhere. The earth is just a mere planet behind us now. Never thought I'd be making it to space.

"So, you've been off earth before then?" I ask, my phone going flat.

"A couple of times."

"Why'd you get fired from SHIELD?" I question.

"I killed someone." Munch replied casually.

"Wait, what?"

"They were, well, a cockroach. Finding out information and giving it to a terroist organisation called HYDRA. I found out, and got in a fight with them. It didn't end well for them, Fury didn't believe my story though. Only been there for a few weeks as well and I got fired straight away." Jacob explains.

"Great, so now I've escaped with a criminal." I sigh.

"I'm not that bad."

It feels like we've been travelling for hours, a planet has been in view for a while now, Munch obviously has a plan.

"And there, Maria, is Asgard."

I squint my eyes at the planet, its flat and looks magical, with towering golden buildings and a luscious river.


"Yeah, it's pretty co-"

Munch can't finish as he suddenly slumps down, his head bashing hard against the controls of the ship.

"Munch! Jacob! Oh my god."

I rush over, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him, screaming.

"Jacob! Wake up."

Of course he doesn't respond, so I lean over and try to make sense of the control panel, steering as steadily as possible.

All of a sudden, a piercing, high pitch noise surrounds my ears and I fall, covering them up.

It feels like my ears are actually bleeding or something.

That's the last thought I have before I black out.

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