Chapter 1- Skyscraper

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My mind started to drift peacefully before the cold, hard metal brought me back to the present. Said object clattered to the floor after a minute, leaving behind a stinging sensation and yet another thin red line to add to my collection. I had done it again.

I laid there for God knows how long, overly grown strands of brunette bangs impeding my vision as I pressed a black washcloth against the cuts. Cautiously, I lessened the pressure, rising to a stand as my surroundings flooded back to me. I was in the bathroom, my sister's to be exact, with toned down music floating around the bathroom.

Skies are crying, I am watching.

Looking down, past my bloodstained wrists, I noticed that my pink ballet tights were also sporting my blood. Just great.

Catching teardrops in my hands.

Quickly, I stripped down, leaving the dance attire in a pile as I slid on a pair of grey sweats and a purple long sleeved shirt. Both were now hanging off my frame. Finally, more progress.

Only silence as it's ending.

Wincing, I shoved the right sleeve up, barely feeling anything but returning numbness as the cold water burned my fresh cuts. I shut the tap back off, and one white bandage later I was ready to go.

Like we never had a chance.

I grabbed the stack of sweaty, bloody dance clothes off the tiled floor along with my iPod. The door squeaked open as I shut off the music.

Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me? 


Authors Note: Hi everyone! Oh my gosh, I am so excited for this! Anyways, this is my first story on Wattpad, and I hope everyone likes it. This is sort of an introduction to my story, but I do need to add a warning to this story for self-harm, depression, and eating disorders, however for all chapters continuing on, so please do not read if it will offend you in any way. On a different note, I hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me and I would love to know what you think. And please tell me if you like the song lyrics being in the story. I kind of liked it, but I don't know, it could be horrible I guess. Also, I plan to have the next chapter up in the next couple of days and the rest of the chapters will be longer than this one. So, like I said, please vote and comment and keep an eye out of the next chapter. Thanks guys so much for reading!

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