Chapter 43: And So I Bleed

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"W-What are you d-doing?" you stuttered as his wendigo form came closer towards you.

"But sweetie, it has to be done." Ryou pulled your (f/c) shirt down, revealing your shoulder.

Shin pounced, gnashing its teeth in preparing to take a bite of your sweet divine flesh so he could turn you into a wendigo.

A terrifying scream erupted from your lungs. You closed your eyes and waited for the pain to come but it didn't happen.

Fluttering your (e/c) eyes open, what you saw were a group of people trying to save your ass. In fact, it was your loved ones.

Shin's comrades growled in anger as they instantly transformed into a height same as their leader.

Mamoru handled Yuuta with his gun that releases silver bullets. Hikaru who held a dagger and gun came face to face with wendigo Ryou.

"As much as possible, don't let them bite your flesh!" Osamu swiftly dodged the attack, knocking his opponent's head with a chair that he found.

All of you understood the drill.

"DeAr BrOtHeRs, LeT's HaVe a..LiTtLe ChAsE!" Shin laughed crazily.

"Oh YeS, a ChAsE tHaT wiLl DeFiNe hEr aNd tHeIr fAtE!" Ryou grinned madly.

"If you all fail to hide yourselves and (Y/N) from us, then we will kill you and we will take her with us and make her our wendigo queen forever! Now, if you all win, we won't bother all of you anymore~" Yuuta glares deadly at your shocked loved ones.

"LET'S DO THIS FOR (Y/N)!" Osamu raises his bloodied dagger confidently.

"Alright then, let the game begin!"

"1.. 2.. 3.."


"RUN!" Osamu grabbed your wrist, sprinting off outside of the cabin and into the forest. They also ran, tailing behind you two.

It's the moment of truth and the moment to lie.

And the moment to live and the moment to die.

The moment to fight.

To the right, to the left,

We will fight to the death.

To the edge of the earth.

It's a brave new world from the last to the first.

All throughout the unveiling chaos, the two of you ran away from the wendigos. Your loved ones got separated from you as they ran to the other path.

You just hoped they were going to be safe. Seeing them suffering ached your heart. It was like a flash of light when you turned your head back to see them that they had already gone a different path among yours.

Just a minute ago you were with them and now you were with Osamu taking you to who knows where. Leaves, twigs, and branches crunched beneath your feet. Some of the leaves got stuck in your (h/l) (h/c) hair too.

Soon enough, your legs were tired from all the running. It feels like you were burning in hell as you groaned in pain.

He encouraged you to get up and continue to hide from the monsters even though you just wanted to rest your body on a tree. You finally took his hand, realizing that sooner or later they would be able to find you.

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