Chapter 5

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~Yoongi's POV~

"Yoongi!" Jin, called me into the kitchen. I make my way into the kitchen and he handed me a basket "Could you take Soonyoung and Jihoon into the garden and pick some of the fruits a vegetables for dinner?" I nod and get the boys from the living room.

So far it's been really peaceful living with the Kim's. I'm a little lost in thought till I feel a tap on my shoulder, but before I could turn around, everything went black.

What is going on?


I wake up on and extremely uncomfortable carpeted floor. I move to sit up and smack my head on something hard and metal. I hear a snicker and I look around.

"Hello?! Who's there!? Where am I?!" I begin to panic and the laughter increases.

"Oh boy, you should remember the sound of your Appa." I froze. I slowly turn to meet the gaze of a man that I never wanted see again.

"How did you find me!?" he laughed my shock.

"The same way I've always been able to find you my darling son." I was just about to answer when I heard a small whimper come from the room. I look over to see Jihoon sitting inside a small cage like the one I was in.

"Jihoon! Why would you take him!?" I yell at my Appa shaking the cage with my cuffed hands. He got up and walked towards to Jihoon.

"I actually didn't mean to, I was trying to get Soonyoung, but this one pushed him out of the way, it was his fault really." I glared at him and he stalked over to me. He grabbed my arm, stabbing a needle into it. I soon began to see black again. "Night, night Yoongi."

Darkness Surrounds Me //YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now