Chapter 7

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~Jungkook's POV~

It's been a month.

A. Month.

And we're not even close to figuring out where they are. The little boy Jimin is more of a pain then helpful. He hasn't left our home because he's terrified of his own mother. He refuses to even see his sister. He's glued to my Appa and I can tell Jisoo is close to her breaking point. I know he's only seven but I can't put up with it longer. Someone needs to break the news to this kid and harshly. I guess that'll have to be me, because no one wants to hurt the boy.

I want Yoongi and my brother back and I intend to get them.

I walk to the living room where he is sitting on the couch eating a sandwich. I take a seat beside him and he shifts away.

"Jimin, I need to talk to you. There's a lot going on right now and we need your help. The man you say is your Appa, isn't. He took you from your family when you were thr-"

"You're lying! He's my Appa! My Eomma didn't want me and left us! You lie!" Jimin lashes out at me and I glare at him, my anger rising.

"Listen now and listen well, he is NOT your Appa. He took you, end of story. Now he's taken people that are very special to me and I expect you to help me get them back!" I finish and he's on the brink of tears from my harsh tone. I don't care though. I stand up and begin to walk out. I turn back to say one last thing, "You're Eomma didn't leave you. She's been looking for you non-stop for four year. You also have a little sister. I bet they'd both love to have you back." I finish and leave the room.

I enter the kitchen and see Sorn sitting at the island eating some chips. She gives me a look and I immediately feel guilty about yelling at the poor boy.

"Wasn't that a bit harsh? He's only seven and the psycho probably brain washed the kid. Cut him some slack," Sorn said while judging my entire existence. I roll my eyes and grab a soda from the fridge.

"It needed to be done. I want them back here as soon as possibly and it's taking too long. He's the only one who can get them back," I explain myself and Sorn just stands up and walks out.


Later in the night I'm called into my Appa's study. Once I enter I notice Jisoo holding Jimin in her arms and I smile softly at the cute sight.

"Jimin here has decided to help us. He said there's a old cabin only a few miles from here that he and Jihun had been staying at. I'm sending you, Yujin and Sorn. I'll be going as well. We leave at night fall. I want you to make sure Soonyoung is hidden away along with Chaeyoung. Do you understand me?" I nod in response and begin to prepare.

I find Soonyoung inside Jihoon's room, curled up on his bed. I hear quiet sniffles and my heart breaks. I forgot how much of a toll this is probably taking on him. His mother's too much of a mess to comfort him and the only other two people he's close with are gone.

"Soonyoung?" I call out and he sits up, desperately trying to wipe his tears away.

"Y-Yes? Jungkook?" I walk to him and pull him into a hug. This just makes him break into tears "I miss them so much Jungkook! When are they coming back?! I miss Woozi and Yoonie!" I try my best to console him. I lay him back in the bed and smile.

"I promise I'll bring them home soon, okay? You'll see them both very soon." this brings a small smile to his face. I leave him be and go check on Chaeyoung. She's in the guest room at my home. We've had them stay here since the boys were taken. She's sitting on the bed admiring a photo of all three of them. I walk in a put my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me. She rests her hand over mine.

"Find the boys tonight, okay? Make sure they're both safe. Soonyoung is broken without Jihoon and I can't handle not having my baby Yoongi. Find them and kill him." I give her a nod and leave. I'm going to find them and I'm going to kill whoever took them from me. 

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