Chapter 20

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~Jungkook's POV~

I wake up to a light tapping on my shoulder. I look up to see Yoongi smiling down at me.

"I made some food for us, if you're hungry," Yoongi sets down another plate as I sit up. He takes a seat beside me, grabbing his plate. I grab my own along with the TV remote, putting some random movie on. We're eating for a bit and I can feel a bit of tension between Yoongi and I. I set my plate down, pausing the movie.

"Yoongi, are you okay?" I question and he lets out a loud sigh. I watch him set his place down with shaky hands.

"Well, I wanna talk to you about something. I-I don't know if y-you'd be comfortable with it yet, but I r-really want you to know I-I care about you," I nod, waiting for him to continue. He bites down on his pink lips, turning to face me. Before I realize it, he's straddling my waist. I look at him with wide eyes.


"I want you to take my first time Jungkook," he whispers in my ear, kissing below my ear softly. I put my hands on his waist, lightly pushing him back.

"Are you sure Yoongi? Because if we start, I won't stop," I say looking him in his eyes. He nods quickly and I pull him down for a rough kiss. My hands travel all over his body, gripping at his waist tightly. I slip my thumbs underneath his waistband, pulling his pants down.

~Writer's POV~

Jungkook slowly began undressing Yoongi, leaving him on his lap in his boxers.

"K-Kookie! I can't be the only one naked,' Yoongi pouts, tugging at Jungkook's white tee shirt. The younger nods, pulling his shirt over his head. He grins and lifts the shorter up, his hands resting on Yoongi's ass. Yoongi yelps at the sudden change and wraps his legs tightly around the youngers waist. Jungkook makes his way up the stairs, coming to Yoongi's room. He pushes the door open and drops the elder on his bed.

Yoongi sits up, watching Jungkook remove his jeans and catches his bottom lip between his teeth. The youngers looks down at his hyung, his eyes flashing a bright blue before he climbs over his mate.

"J-Jungkook-ah..." Yoongi whispers breathlessly, pulling the younger down into a heated kiss. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, sticking two of his fingers in front of Yoongi's face.

"Suck," Jungkook demands and Yoongi complies, bringing the fingers into his mouth, sucking then. Yoongi's never leave Jungkook's as he wets the digits. Jungkook pulls his hand away from Yoongi's mouth, He moved his hand down to Yoongi's hole, pressing against the ring of muscles. Yoongi lets out a low moan, grabbing onto Jungkook's shoulders.

"M-More..." Yoongi whines as Jungkook adds another finger, scissoring them. Yoongi bit down on his lip, clenching down on Jungkook's fingers. The younger pushed his fingers deeper, trying to find the one spot to make Yoongi see stars.

"Don't hold back baby, I want to hear everything~" Jungkook's whispers in the elders ear, biting it softly. Yoongi lets out a loud moan and tosses his head back, earning a low chuckle from the younger "Found it."

"J-Jungkook, please....I need you."

//I probably will be taking a break from writing for a while. I have finals coming up and I also have some personal stuff I need to get sorted out. I hope you've enjoyed this so far. I also will be rewriting quite a few of the beginning chapters due to them being really bad.  

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