Chapter 11

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It's been a few days since my birthday and I really confused. I still have yet to figure out who my mate is and it's killing me. It's really unheard of for Alphas to figure out their mates late. It's only been a few days so I'll just be patient. I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yell and the door opens to reveal Yoongi. I smile softly and he comes inside, sitting on my bed across from me.

"Can we talk? It's pretty serious," he says not meeting my eyes. I nod and set my laptop to the side.

"What's up Yoongi?" he takes a deep breath before he starts.

"I already talked to everyone about this, minus Jihoon and Soonie. I'm leaving," I open my mouth to reply but he stops me, "Before you say anything let me explain. I can't stay here. I feel like I need this. I will bring danger to you all and I really don't want that any longer. I don't know if I'll ever come back. I'm really gonna miss you and everyone else. I hate to leave Soonyoung, but I know he'll be in good hands. Make sure he remembers I love him, okay?" Yoongi gave me a sad smile as he hugs me. He pull him close, holding him tight.

"Are you Sure about this? When are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving in a few days, and yes I'm sure. You'll be fine without me Kookie," he pulls away and stands up. "Now come on, dinners ready."


"NOOOOOOO!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOONIE!' all I hear are Soonyoung's pleas for him to stay. He's latching onto Yoongi's leg, crying loudly. I feel so bad for the boy.

"Soonie, you have to let go. I promise I won't be gone for long, okay bud?" Yoongi manages to pry Soonyoung off and hug him. It's only been a day since he told Soonyoung and about a week since he told everyone else. I can tell everyone is heartbroken over this, but we all know it's best for him. Jihoon pulls Soonyoung away and hugs him, calming the boy down.

Chaeyoung Hyung walks up to Yoongi and pulls him into a hug. They whisper a few things to each other then seperate. Yoongi picked up his bag and smiled at all of us.

"Goodbye everyone. I'll see you all soon," He turns to the cab pulling up. He puts his bag in the trunk and enter the back seat. The driver takes off and he rolls down the window, waving to us. We all wave and yell our goodbyes until we cannot see the car any longer.

A wave of sadness comes over us all as we head back into the house.

We're all going to miss him. I know I already do.

-----Four Years Later----

~Yoongi's POV~

I take a deep breath as we enter a town that is all too familiar to me. I feel my a hand slip onto mine and I smile. I look over at my amazing fiance, and he smiles back at me.

"You're fine baby, just calm down. I'm sure they're all excited to see you," He reassures me and I feel relieved,

"Thank you Hobi~" I hold his hand tightly as we near my home. Home. I never thought I'd come back to be honest, but I guess it's better late than never.

We pull up in the driveway and get out of the car. We walk up to the door hand and hand. I take one last breath as I knock on the door.



I am pulled from my sleep when a strong sent hits my nose. It smells like a mixture of hazelnuts and peaches. I jump out of my bead and run out of my room. I make my way down the stairs when I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I yell and run up to the door. I open it to reveal a person I never thought I'd see again.


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