Chapter 15

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~Yoongi's POV~

It's been a few days since I've returned home and I don't know how much longer I can hold out. Jungkook is nagging me nonstop to end things with Hoseok, but I just can't. Even though he is not mate, I still can't just drop him. He's been through a lot with me over the past four years. He's not my fiance for nothing.

On top of all of this, Soonyoung still won't talk to me. I feel bad for leaving him, but I've never known him to be one to hold a grudge this long, let alone at all.

I'm on my way to talk to Jihoon, wanting to see if he knows anything.

"Jihoon-ah? Can we talk?" I ask and he's sitting at his desk, practicing guitar. I remember when I first met the little boy, he was so dedicated to learning to play. I'm proud that it stuck.

"Yeah, what's up Yoongi?" I take a seat on his bed and he rolls his desk chair over to me.

"Did anything happen with Soonyoung while I was gone?" Jihoon visibly tensed and nodded slowly.

"Once you left, there was like some switch that flipped in him. He started ignoring everyone, even me for a while. He would come home with bruises from time to time and it'd would honestly scare all of us. I followed him one night when he left the house and I found out he'd been meeting with the more bad kids in our town. He was getting into fights with them and I told Chaeyoung, which just made him worse. We actually got into a huge fight. He was screaming at me and scared me to death. It's when we found out he'd changed. He had previously been born a beta, but something triggered him to change. He's an alpha now, which is the main reason he began terrify me. After a while he came to me, crying. He apologized, but ever since he's basically hated everyone and holds a bad grudge against you.."

He finished and I was astonished. He changed? Into and Alpha? How is that even possible?!

"Thank you for telling me Jihoon-ah, I'll make sure to talk to Soonyoung. I still have one question,"

"What is it?"

"Why are you the only one he talks to now? He seems to hate everyone, but you. Everytime he talks back to our mother, he doesn't even care if she scolds him, but if you say something about it he backs down," A small blush makes its way onto his face and he shrugs.

"I don't really know. He's always just listened to me. Since everything that happened before you left, he's always been there. Protecting and listening to me," He smiles and looks away. I nod and get up to leave.

"One last question," he turns to look up at me, "What are your feelings towards Soonyoung?" Now this has his face light up bring red.

"Yoongi hyung!!" he wines and covers his face. Got my answer.

Before I can even finish shutting Jihoon's door, I'm grabbed and pulled into the room across the hall, that I'm all too familiar with.

"Jungkook-ah! What have I told you about dragging me away like this?" I glare at him and as he shuts the door.

"Is that how you talk to your Alpha baby?" he questions and I can see the lust prevalent in his eyes. I almost fall for it this time.

"Is this all you want me for Jungkook? Cause it seems every time we're alone you're just trying to get into my pants! I am your MATE, not sex slave you inconsiderate prick! At least Hoseok doesn't only care about my body!" I can feel the tears sting my eyes, but I rub them away quickly.

He just stands there frozen, not saying anything. I guess what I thought was true, he doesn't actually want me. I was so stupid for considering breaking it off with Hoseok.

"Guess I thought correctly. I hate you Jungkook!" the tears stream down my face freely. It feels as though my heart is breaking slowly. I try to push past him to leave but he grabs my hand before I make it to the door. I try my hardest to pull away from him, but he justs pins me against the wall.

"Do you think this is easy for me!? All of these feeling are hitting me at once! I went through for years of literal emptiness! I have no clue how to deal with any of this. Yes I touch you a lot, but it's all I can do! It's not like I can sit on the couch or my bed and cuddle with you because you're so terrified that your fiance will walk in. I don't think you understand how much seeing you all happy and loving with him hurts me. You don't know what it feels like to have everything you love and want so close, but you cannot have them. It's felt like this darkness is surrounding me and I can't figure out how to make it leave! I just wanna be happy Yoongi. Happy with you. But you're already happy. With him. It would be easier if I just let you go, wouldn't it. Then you can be happy...."

What is hell is he talking about! That wouldn't make anything easier!

"Jungkook-ah wait a seco-"

"Min Yoongi, I reject you as my mate."

//This was a lot for one chapter, I hope it's okay!

Darkness Surrounds Me //YoonkookWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt