Chapter 21

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~Jungkook's POV~

I wake up to a soft hum and someone circling their fingers across my chest. I open my eyes and look to my side, met with the sight of my beautiful mate.

"Morning Kookie," Yoongi smile and propped himself up. He peaks my lips and I can't help but smile. My turn my body and prop myself up.

"Morning baby," I press a kiss to his forehead and he hugs me tightly.

"I have something planned for tonight for us. I have to take Soonyoung school shopping, cause my Eomma is busy. Maybe you could come with and bring Jihoon," He asks looking up at me with his cute gummy smile on display.

"Sounds like it'd be an interesting day," After a few more minutes of cuddling we get up and get ready for the day. Yoongi is limping and I almost feel bad but I really don't.

"You didn't have to be that rough, you know that right?" Yoongi whines and I nod. I come up behind him and back hug him.

"Yes I did baby~," I whisper in his ear and I can feel his body react.

"I swear Jungkook, stop. I already promised to do this," he pushes my off and limps his way down the stairs. I follow slowly behind him and talking on the phone. I pull out my phone and text Jihoon to get ready. After about ten minutes, both boys were up and in the car.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" Soonyoung yells, rolling down my the window. I roll my eyes and grab Yoongi's hand, walking out with him to the car. I get in the driver's seat and turn towards the boys.

"You ready to go?" Jihoon nods his head vigorously.

"Hoshi said we're going to the mall! Can we stop at the arcade?!" my little brother is bouncing around like a child on a sugar high.

"What did you have for breakfast?" I ask, glaring at Soonyoung. He puts his hands up in protest.

"I can't tell him no! You guys know that the puppy dog eyes always get me," He crosses his arms and sits back against the seat, pouting.

"Okay, we can go to the arcade, but only if you don't run around while we're looking for clothes for you two," I turn my attention back to Yoongi and see him on his phone. I grin and quickly snatch it from him, earning a whine in protest.

"Yah! Give me my phone back!" Yoongi reaches across the console to get him precious phone and I just stretch my arm out, knowing he can't reach. I place a quick peck on his lips.

"Nope. No phones today! Bonding time!" I watch as he sits back in his seat, arms crossed and pouting. I look between him and Soonyoung. They're definitely brothers alright. Same whining and pouting.

This is gonna be a long day.

Darkness Surrounds Me //YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now