Shumdarioo <3

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Author's Message: I love Malec, but, I also love Shumdario. Because there is a lack of Shumdario in the world, I decided to make a one shot. Next one will be Malec though. *DISCLAIMER* I respect both Matt and Harry's significant others and want nothing but happiness for the two, but I still thought it would be fun to make a Shumdario one shot. OKAY ILL STOP TALKING. 

He loved it. Every bit of it. It left him wanting more. The Malec scene they shot for episode 18 of season 2, was wow. He could not describe this feeling. He had kissed and even made out with so many people in screen, but with Harry, it was always different. It was as if he was transported into another world. Harry's lips on his were like the apple from the forbidden fruit. Speaking of apples, his Adam's Apple was the cutest thing he had ever seen. He was always so insecure about it, but Matt always found it adorable. 

Matt saw that Harry had ran off and he was not on set anymore. He assumed he was in his trailer, so he made my way to mine, which was literally right next his. He was blushing and smiling the entire way. He just wanted to feel his lips on his again. Even if it had to be as Alec and Magnus, not as Matt and Harry. 

As soon as Matt got to my trailer, he got a text from Isaiah. 

Isaiah: Hey Matt, you wanna grab lunch at Scaddabush? I heard it's really good stuff. Harry's coming too. Parabatri assemble? 

Matt: See you in 5!

Matt smiled, he was going to lunch with his parabatri. The three of them together were literally hell for everyone. He had seen the fans obsess over them and was glad the fans loved their friendship as much as they all did. Matt knew that going to lunch with Harry and Isaiah was exactly what he wanted, but still, he could not push his feelings for Harry away. 

Matt grabbed his coat and made his way to Isaiah's trailer. As soon as he approached, he saw Harry nodding at Isaiah as if they were in very serious conversation. "What's up guys?" Matt said concerned. "We have decided to tell you, that you cannot send us cow pictures anymore." Isaiah said. Matt moved back in disbelief. He was very thoroughly offended. Harry and Isaiah just laughed. "We're kidding!" Harry said, pulling Matt back. "My daughter asked me if I wanted to go to lunch and I cannot say no to her. Sorry!" Isaiah said, Matt just nodded, "Of course, family first!" Matt smiled and reassured him. Isaiah nodded and was on his way, leaving Harry and Matt. 

"Shall we?" Harry said. Matt just nodded and he made his way to Harry's car. Matt very awkwardly sat in the car and Harry seemed to have noticed but did not say anything. Harry turned up the radio and came up the song, "War of Hearts" the song they had their very first kiss to. Matt tensed up even more and to ease the tension, Harry started talking, "Hey, great job on the scene today. It was wild, and you did so well!" Matt just smiled and said, "Thanks you too!" somehow even though Matt was tense around Harry, he still seemed to find peace and relief after talking to him. The two talked about set and relived their stories at lunch. 

After lunch, Matt and Harry walked back to each of their trailers. Matt and Harry were standing so close. Almost too close. As if Matt could grab his hand. He fought back the urge to. He did not want to make Harry uncomfortable. Harry walked back into his trailer and waved at Matt. Matt walked two steps forward and reached his trailer and he pulled out his phone. 

Matt: Hey Dom, can I talk to you? I need help. I don't know whom else to go to. 

Dom: That's why I'm here. Remember, parabatai, right? I'll come to your trailer in 15 minutes after I wrap this scene with Kat. 


"Hey buddy!" Dom said as he walked in. Matt got up and pulled Dom in, tightly. He had been sitting there with the occasional tear prying out of his eyes once in a while. Dom patted Matt's back, "You okay? Hey, talk to me." Dom said as he pulled Matt away and sat him down. "Um, I have certain feelings for someone I shouldn't?" Matt finally spoke, softly. "Harry, right?" Dom chuckled. Matt was astonished, "How did you know?" he said very curiously. Dom just shook his head and smiled, "We all know. It's okay. I'm here and I see the way Harry looks at you and the smile he has when he finds out you two have a kiss scene. His eyes gleam around you. Just. Tell. Him. If he doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't change anything, Harry is the most gentle and kind soul, he won't see you any different. He will accept you and you two are still coworkers and friends, it won't change anything. You will be okay. Keeping your feelings bottled up, I can see is eating you up inside and he needs to know and you need closure." Dom finished with a stern face that turned into a smile. Matt returned that smile with a crooked smile. 

Matt pulled Dom into a hug, "I love you, buddy. Always and forever. If aught but death part thee and me." Dom said, Matt just hugged him tighter and Dom patted Matt's shoulder, "Go get him." Matt nodded and ran into Harry's trailer. 

"Matt, what's wrong?" Harry said as Matt came in and kicked the door behind him shut. "Harry, I need to tell you something." Matt said. Harry just smiled and nodded, "Um so, I don't know and I know I shouldn't but it just feels so right and everything just makes me craving more and more and I don't know how to control it and I cannot push it away any longer and I just want you to know-" Matt said very very quickly, "-that I have romantic feelings for you." He took a breath for a second and resumed, "I know I shouldn't and I just needed you to know because it was eating me up inside and I just can't control it and if you reject me, please just tell m-" Matt was cut off by something on his lips. Another pair of lips. A familiar pair of lips. But, this was different, Harry and Matt had kissed before, but as Magnus and Alec, now it's as Harry and Matt. The world seemed to have stopped spinning, time stayed still and everything felt exactly right. 

"You have your answer now?" Harry asked with the most innocent eyes, Matt looked down, smiled and nodded rapidly. 


Malec One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora