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Alec hated the rain. Alec hated the cold. In fact, Alec hated any weather that was not sunny and warm. Alec was a college student in New York. He attended NYU and was a Law Student. His family was from Los Angeles. He missed his family, his friends, his home, the weather, the plan trees. He was miserable in New York. 

Magnus Bane was a Law Student at Columbia. He was transferring to NYU this semester. NYU and Columbia were on par with each other in everything except Law. He was late to submit his application for NYU last Summer and Columbia had an opening. It was the closest thing Magnus could get to NYU. He had submitted a transfer form and an application for NYU and was accepted. It was the end of first semester, and Magnus was to transfer to NYU for the second semester, starting Monday. He was ecstatic. 


Magnus took a deep breath and entered NYU. He was anxious. He stepped into the building and was taken by surprise. The building was beautiful. The wooden floors and the banners hung up on the high ceilings. He entered the Law Wing and was completely mesmerized. They hung pictures of great lawyers and judges that came out of NYU and there were bills and scripts posted on the wall. He smiled and turned to a room where his first lecture was to take place. The class was filling up. The class was almost too full. There was one seat left. It was next to a boy with pale skin, brown eyes and black hair. You could mistake him for a vampire. None the less, Magnus smiled and made his way up to sit ext to the boy. "Hi, I'm Magnus." Magnus said with a grin as he extended his arm out to shake the boy's hand, "Raphael." the boy replied as he retired the handshake. His hands were as cold as ice. The professor walked in and Magnus took out his iPad to take notes. 

"I'm Professor Garroway, and we are not going to be having a lecture today." he started. The class looked at each other, confused. It was listed as lecture for today. "We're starting an assignment today, as lawyers and clients. You'll each be paired off and you'll get two cases. One if the cases, you will be the attorney and your partner will be your client. For the next case, you will switch. Understood?" The class nodded, there were some "Yes"'s. Then Mr. Garroway picked up the list and started calling out names, "Raphael Santiago and Simon Lewis," Raphael got up and walked down to receive his case files and him and Simon sat next to each other, beginning to discuss the case file. 

Professor Garroway called many pairs. None of which were Magnus' name. There were 350 people in the class, so there had to be 175 pairs. Magnus waited patiently. He sat for a while and noticed that he was one of the two people left. "Alexander Lightwood and Magnus Bane." Magnus sighed in relief that he was not missing from the list. He walked down to get his case file and followed him was a tall, lean and extremely attractive male. The boy had tan skin, but the tan looked as if it was fading away, his eyes were hypnotizing and strikingly hazel, his hair was a charcoal black and his cheekbones were high. He was immensely attractive. 

As the two approached the front, there were no files left. "Mr. Lightwood and Mr. Bane, over here." Professor Garroway called. The two looked at each other and shrugged as they walked over to the Professor. "You two, had the highest scoring finals and I've heard from other professors that you two are quite the lawyers, so, I am handing you these special case files." Professor Garroway said as he handed them the files. The boys felt proud. They both walked back to their desks and started to work the cases. "Okay, so I will take the one with Fraud, and you can take the harassment one." Alexander said. Then the bell rang.

Alexander grabbed his belongings and was about to make his way out, when he felt a pat on his shoulder, "Um Alexander-"before Magnus could continue with what he was saying, he was cut of by Alexander, "Alec." he said. Magnus looked confused, Alec took a deep breath and said, "Call me Alec, not Alexander." he said sternly. Magnus nodded and continues with what he was going to say, "So I think that we should work on the cases together on some own time, how about Friday after class?" "I'll see you then." Alec said without even making eye contact, and he walked away. 


Magnus was packing up to leave when he saw a tall and muscular figure approach him, "We were supposed to work the case together, remember?" a familiar voice said, Magnus looked up and it was Alec. Magnus smiled and said, "Right, I forgot, can we go to the cafe across the school, I've been dying to go." Alec rubbed the back of his head and shrugged. Magnus took that as a yes. The two made their way to the cafe.

When they arrived to the cafe, Magnus and Alec walked over to an empty table and slid off their backpacks from their shoulders and dropped into the floor. The two unzipped their backpacks and pulled out their individual case files. Magnus took a moment to gaze at Alec. He was truly stunning. The way his eyes shone yellow from hazel in the lights and how his hair draped over his eyes. It was enchanting. "Hello? Magnus?" Alec asked as he was waving in front of him, clearly trying to get his attention. "You're absolutely beautiful. What?" Magnus said as he snapped back into reality. Magnus shook his head and smiled at the ground, "I'm sorry." he said. Alec was flushed red. He rubbed the back of his head and looked at the ground. 

"Thank you?" Alec said, his heart was pounding out of his chest. He thought Magnus was nothing less than gorgeous. He was confused as to why such a gorgeous human being wild find someone like him beautiful? Magnus' smile always lit up the city. His smile could literally hypnotize someone. His eyes were cat like and Alec seemed to have gotten lost in them. They were as deep as the Pacific Ocean. His eyes told many stories. They were a book, that Alec adored reading and could read forever. He had the slight glitter speck on his face, his clothes and in his hair. His hair was different everyday. Today, it was a perfect mohawk over his head. It was beautiful. His clothes were always extravagant. On this particular day, Magnus wore a beige trench coat that matched his skin tone over a white button up and maroon jeans. His jeans were held up by a belt you could see from the moon. It was studded with rhinestones. Alec had caught himself losing his breath and blushing a lot whilst looking at Magnus. Or talking-to him. He always stared at him in class and how he would always laugh with Raphael. Alec wanted to know him. He'd have to catch his breath every time he watched Magnus walk into class. His heat would beat faster every time he walked by and every time him and Magnus walked side by side, his hand itched to hold Magnus', he could feel his breath on his skin every time they sat next to each other. His breath made his skin tingle. The way his accidental touch gave him goosebumps and his gaze gave him relief, Alec knew he had never felt like this before. 

Magnus laughed, "For what?" Alec said, "For calling me beautiful." very softly. Magnus blushed. He made Magnus Bane blush! The two spent a while just gazing at each other. They lost all conscious to the real world and went into each other's eyes where they explored their own world. Magnus coughed and said, "We should get back to this." Alec chucked and opened up his case file,"Yeah." 

It had been a while and suddenly, Magnus asked Alec, "Where are you from?" and Alec looked up, he replied, "Los Angeles." Magnus and Alec had a long conversation after that. The two sat and talked for hours. They went from Los Angeles to movies to books to food to inspirations and so on. There wasn't anything that they did to talk about that night. It was one of those talks. The ones that could go on forever. The world could be ending and Magnus and Alec would have no idea what was going on. They were lost in conversation. 

The barista came to them and said, "We're closing." in a sweet voice. Magnus checked theme. It was 3am. They both packed up their stuff. They both exited the cafe and said their goodbyes, "I had a lot of fun tonight." Magnus said, "Yeah me too." Alec said, looking at the ground, he was blushing. Suddenly, as they were both parting, the rain began. It rained hard. Alec groaned and stayed back where it was covered. Magnus noticed Alec's sudden stop. He went back. "What's wrong, Alec?" Magnus asked, "I hate the rain." he said groaning. Magnus laughed. Alec looked offended, "Stop laughing." Instead of replying, Magnus pulled Alec into the rain. Magnus let go of Alec and made his way forward. He spread out his arms and looked up. The rain poured on his face. Magnus smiled. Alec was shivering in the rain, but when he saw Magnus, he stopped and stared. He smiled. 

Alec walked over in front of Magnus. He pulled down his arms and Magnus looked back at Alec, confused. Magnus lifted his finger and before he could say anything, Alec placed his hand on Magnus' arm and leaned in. He kissed Magnus. The two melted into the kiss. Alec's hands went from Magnus' arms to wrapped around Magnus' neck. The two parted after a minute, then Alec said, "I love the rain." 

Author's Note: APOLOGIES FOR THE LATE UPDATE! ALSO THIS WAS EXTREMELY MESSY YIKES IM SORRY AGAIN. but um my next one shot (day after tomorrow) will be the start of a mini series???? kind of. idk. we'll see how it goes. ANYWAY YOU ALL ARE ANGELS AND I ADORE YOU! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY.


your local trash can :)

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