4. Date

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Author's Note: Hi, you probably do not want to hear from me right now, as I have not posted for quite some time. I am swamped with schoolwork and the end of the year is approaching so, we have so many other assignments and material we need to get done! I want to post regularly. Regularly won't mean every other day though. It'll mean once a week. So, every Friday I will post a one shot and a chapter for the high school story! I am so sorry and now to the one shot.

As the time for dinner was approaching, the nerves were heightening. Alec had stopped studying hours ago. He could not concentrate on the material. Whenever he tried to study, he ended up fiddling with the pen and was just constantly lost in thought of Magnus. He decided to strip of his clothes and hopped into the shower. The warm water hit his body and that also reminded him of Magnus. How warm his body was against his when they were together. He slouched out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist. He shook his wet hair was he looked into the mirror, hoping it stayed in place. He used another towel to dry off his hair and grabbed his outfit that he had chosen for tonight. Alec hated wearing jeans after showering. It was just a mission and a half to pull them up, on his wet legs, and no matter how much he dried them, it would not work. He struggled to pull his jeans on and draped the towel over his shoulder. 

Magnus Bane was the most extra human when it came to dates. He always made such a mess whenever he tried to pick an outfit. He tried to find the perfect outfit to leave his, undeniably attractive date, speechless. He dressed to impress. He rummaged through his closet. He threw clothes all over the floor and when his closet was empty, he resorted to the dressers. The dressers had nothing. Magnus groaned. He went to the pile of clothes on the floor and threw everything all over the place and when he finally gave up, he plopped down onto the remaining clothes and yelling. He suddenly saw these pants. They shone in light of the sun. The pants caught Magnus' attention and he crawled towards them slowly. 

He picked the pants and they immediately gave him an idea. The pants had vertical stripes. Some stripes were plain black and some had silver rhinestones all over them. He grabbed them and draped them on his shoulder and rummaged through to find the shirt he was looking for. 

"Aha!" he said, grabbing the shirt. The shirt was a plain white with letters in glitter that said, "BLINK IF YOU WANNA KISS ME" in gold. He found a black blazer to throw over that shirt too. He placed on a couple of rings on each hand. They were a mix of turquoise, silver and black. To match his outfit, Magnus removed his purple nail polish and opened a bottle of black nail polish. He carefully painted each of his nails. He missed his ring finger on each of them. He took out a gold, glittery nail polish, and placed it on both of his ring fingers. He blew on his nails to make them dry faster and he flapped his hands up, down and side to side to make them dry. When they were finally dry, Magnus started his makeup. It was quite simple. He carefully applied his eyeliner on his water line on his eye, and perfectly glided it through to make the perfect wing. He dusted some glitter on his eyes, to make them stand out even more. He placed his brush in a palette of bronzer and very deliberately slid the brush from near his ear, down almost to his lips, to make his cheekbones stand out and give him a warm tone. He smiled and reached for the highlighter. He grabbed it and took copious amounts and placed it above his bronzer, and on his nose. You could clearly see it from anywhere you were standing. Magnus winked at himself in the mirror. 

Alec made his bet and changed into the clothes he had taken from Jace. He put on the shirt and sprayed on some cologne. Not too much though, he did not want to frighten Magnus. He grabbed his leather jacket and his combat boots. He took the keys and locked the door behind him as he was leaving his studio. He took a quick look at the address and called for a bus. 

He entered the bus and waited patiently for his stop to arrive. He had seen that Magnus had texted him.

Magnus: So excited for our date tonight, pretty boy ;) 

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