2. Seven Minutes

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Alec's POV

Magnus and I made our way to the closet. Might I add that it is a compact closet and can barely hold one person let alone two. I take a big gulp and a large breath, it's the last one I am going to be taking for a while. Magnus and I squeeze into the closet and there is less than one millimetre in between us. I can feely myself sweating already. Magnus starts talking and I think, 'Shouldn't we be saving air?' 

"Pizza, huh?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah, my parents kicked me out, and I'm in college so gotta provide for myself someway." I shrugged.

"Why'd they kick you out?" he asked. 

"Well, I'm uh gay." I said looking off into space instead of at him. 

He chuckled, "It's okay, I'm bisexual if you must know. Also, my apologies for your parents kicking you out." 

I licked my lips. Magnus' lips looked so kissable. The way they moved. They looked so soft and plump. I had to urge myself not to do anything.

"I've never played this game before." I blurted.

"Well, I guess that I am your first then." He beamed.

I smiled and I could feel the sweat arising and creeping onto the rest of my body. It was almost completely dark. Yet, I could still see Magnus because of his glitter overload. Our bodies were touching and suddenly, my phone rang. It was my boss. 

"Yikes, I um gotta um go." I said as I shook my head. 

"Hey pretty boy," Magnus started, I turned around and he grabbed my arm. "I wanna give you this." he said.

He pulled me back and pulled me in so our faced were less than a millimetre apart and he kissed me. 

He kissed me. He fricking kissed me! 

I was in a state of shock, so I could not oblige. So he pulled back, he apologized, "I'm sorry I shouldn-" 

I interrupted him by whamming our lips together once more. This was my first kiss. It was truly beautiful. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. My lips perfectly corresponded to his. They worked in one fluid motion. It was something I had never down before. Our lips were fighting for dominance. His lips were as soft as cotton. They felt heavenly. I had nerves awaken that I did not even know were there. There was a hunger and a craving for more. It was as if we could not get enough. This sensation was something I was not familiar with at all. But I wanted to be now, more than ever. 

"Wow, that was, wow." I said as I shook my head. I was smiling and blushing, still contemplating if that really happened. It felt surreal. I pinched myself. Had no idea what just happened. But I wanted it to happen again. I lost my breath for a minute. My heart was still pounding. I had no idea what this could do to me. 

"Um, I'm really sorry, but I gotta go, can I have your n-number?" I asked with a crooked smile. He smiled and took my phone. He typed in his number and saved his contact as "Magnus Babe" and returned my phone to me. He also gave me his phone and I saved my name as "Alec" I handed him his phone and I think I caught a glimpse of him smiling and I darted out of that closet. 

I ran out the door and left in my car. 'Those were the longest seven minutes of my existence.' I thought. I drove like lightning and arrived at work within 7 minutes. 'Ironic.' I thought. I grabbed the bag of pizza which I delivered in, the cash he gave me and made my way into the shop to see a very angry boss. "What took you so long? We have orders! Get back to work!" my boss yelled. I deserved it too. I stayed at the party! But, I nodded and grabbed the pizzas and made my way out of the shop to finish delivering these pizzas. 

I finished all of the deliveries and I walked into the restaurant, grabbed a slice or two of pizza for myself and clocked out. 

I walked home and almost crawled up the stairs because I had an exhausting night. I opened the door to my studio, kicked off my shoes and my jacket and I plopped onto my bed. I opened my phone to check social media and to tell my sister I was home and as I was sending the text to Isabelle, I got a call. 

The contact name came up as "Magnus Babe" I smiled and sat up. I cleared my throat and answered the call, "Pretty boy!" he exclaimed.

"Hello Magnus." I said with a yawn. 

"Oh dear lord, I apologize if I woke you." he said.

"No! I wasn't sleeping, I just got home actually, from work." I assured him.

"Oh well! Glad to see you're working hard, um I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometimes?" he asked, sounding almost unsure and nervous. I grinned.

"Sure, that um sounds fun. How about tomorrow at 8?" I asked. 

"I'll pick you up! Just text me your address." he said. 

"No, it's fine, I'll um meet you there." I said, hoping he'd back off.

"You sure?" he asked. 

"Mhmm. Listen, I'm really sorry but, I'm really tired, I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight." I said. 

"Goodnight, Alexander." he said.

"Oh and um," I started 

"Yes?" he asked 

"Ireallyenjoyedkissingyougoodnight." I said very quickly and hung up. 

I covered my face with my hands and shook my head. I was grinning like an idiot! I got asked on a date with Magnus! I was acting like a fangirl. I realized I was overreacting and I collected myself. 

I slouched to the washroom and changed into more comfy clothes than this atrocious work uniform. I wore a black t-shirt and a pair of gray shorts and fell onto my bed. I did not know when it happened, I think right as I hit my pillow, but I fell asleep and I have to say, I had slept wonderfully that night, with a smile on my face. That's something I have not done since my parents kicked me out. Maybe, I can be happy again. 

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