Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Academy

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The students were given a week before studies began to recalibrate their sleep schedule and for the new students to familiarize themselves with the campus. This had come from the principal, Luxor, a tall man with soft blond hair and piercing blue eyes, while he gave the welcome speech in the lush gardens, while simultaneously apologized a bit too wholeheartedly for the lime bus situation. After his apology, Luxor went on to explain the general rules. Among rules like no stealing and no breaking into someone's dorm uninvited, a rule was 'no murdering.'

Blaise was simultaneously worried and reassured by the rule. It was calming to hold the knowledge that murder was not sanctioned, but it was worrisome that such a rule had to be announced.

The rest of the rules flew over Blaise's head, and before he knew it, Luxor had finished his speech and sprouted large angelic wings to fly away. The students were all walking off to do their own separate thing. A few people were picking flowers from the magnolia and azalea bushes, while others were catching up with old friends.

Blaise, being new to the school, had neither friends nor an appreciation towards the beauty of flowers. It wasn't that he disliked flowers, but rather, there was no reason to like them. And it wasn't that he didn't have any friends. It was that all of them were back home. Even so, Blaise picked a snow-white magnolia. Again, there didn't appear to be a point.

Feeling alone and still utterly jet-lagged, Blaise resorted to checking out the school and getting a feel for what the architecture was and where classes were located. But he didn't get too far into that plan.

When he pushed the sturdy enamored doors open, he was immediately enticed by the scent of pizza, wafering from the cafeteria close by. Blaise's stomach growled, a sharp pain of hunger reminding him that he hadn't eaten any breakfast, save for the hardly edible plane food.

"Excuse me," someone said, pushing past Blaise. A bit startled, Blaise realized he was holding open the interior door and standing awkwardly in the way while taking in the scent of pizza. Blaise muttered an apology, getting out of the way of the person, but not before looking at them. The boy had deep brown eyes, a square jaw, full, sculpted lips, and a chiseled nose. He wore simple clothes: an orange tee with a vaguely camouflage design, an overcoat, torn blue jeans, and a paracord wristwatch. But it was the deep indigo hair, swept to the side to keep out of the boy's eyes, that triggered recognition.

"Hey, aren't you the one who rescued me from falling out the bus?" Blaise asked the indigo haired boy boldly.

The boy looked up, his face blank and confused before an expression of recognition, "Ah right. You."

Blaise stood at the door and stared awkwardly at the indigo haired boy, nodding slowly with a tight-lipped smile, his eyes darting to the side before attempting to inconspicuously slide away towards the cafeteria, desperate to get out of the awkward situation.

To his horror, the boy followed him towards the cafeteria. "You also getting food?" Blaise asked the boy, just to ensure that he was being followed around.

"Yep," the boy said grinning, "You look you are too. You didn't eat breakfast?"

"How did you know?" Blaise said, shocked. He knew from friends that Luxor Academy was magical, but he never imagined there being people who were able to read someone else's mind. It was unsettling, knowing your every single thought could be heard.

But the true reason for the boy's knowledge did not come from mind reading. "I didn't eat breakfast either," the boy's smile widened as he read Blaise's expression.

"Oh," was the only response Blaise was able to give, the horror literally melting away from his face. Perhaps the people at Luxor Academy weren't as powerful as they seemed. The boy guffawed before he was able to contain himself. Chuckling a bit more, the boy apologized, "Sorry about that. It was just a bit too funny. Your reaction, I mean. What is your name?"

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