Chapter 2 - Unordinary Day

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"Blaise?" Skyler asked, shock and surprise on his face, "What are you doing here? And what on earth is that on your tray?"

Blaise set his tray down on the table with Skyler, taking a seat before answering, "To your first question, I don't know. To your second question, apparently chicken butt."

Thankfully, Skyler didn't ask any more questions. He was hunched over in his seat, drinking a cup of coffee. The air around him felt ten degrees colder than anywhere else in the cafeteria. The steam from the coffee looked like a tiny mushroom cloud.

The Skyler Blaise knew was jovial and bright, rebellious and a night owl. His letters were filled with energy and enthusiasm. Whenever Skyler visited, they would make risky endeavors, their hearts pounding as they trespassed private property. The Skyler sitting in front of him wasn't that, with dark circles beneath his eyes and an aura of pain and exhaustion.

"Skyler, you don't look too good," Blaise observed, staring at Skyler's coffee. Never had he ever remembered Skyler drinking coffee. For as far as he could remember, Skyler always denied coffee under the excuse that he didn't like caffeine.

"That's all based on perspective," Skyler said with a tiny smile, obviously making an effort to show emotion, "Though we need to talk about you. Are you really fit to be in this type of environment?"

"I honestly don't know," Blaise said, using a fork and knife to taste a slice of the chicken butt. As expected, it tasted like chicken, "I just got accepted in the school out of the blue. How about you? You don't look too fit for the school either. Do you have supernatural powers?"

Skyler instead of answering Blaise's question, took his knife and fork away from Blaise's hands, cutting off a chunk of chicken butt. After handing over the utensils back, Skyler glared at the chunk of meat and pointed his finger at it. Instantly, it turned blue then frost crystals grew on it, and less than a moment later, it was completely frozen and hard. Blaise realized that Skyler's cryokinetic powers were probably the cause of the ten degree difference in heat at the table.

Skyler bit his upper lip in thought then asked, "You certain you don't have any powers resembling this in any way?"

"Of course, why?" Blaise asked, confused at Skyler's question. He took the frozen chicken butt piece from Skyler, knocking it on the table. There was a snapping noise as part of the table broke. From an outsider, nothing was visible, but Skyler and Blaise looked around cautiously, afraid that someone had heard before they continued their conversation. Blaise felt oddly guilty about breaking a piece of school furniture.

"The school doesn't make mistakes," Skyler said, his voice hushed, "You're here because someone wanted you to be.

"Do you know why?" Blaise asked, his voice not as hushed than shy and quiet. His mind was full of confusion and he was quickly getting a headache from trying to think, "I have no qualities that the school would ever want."

Skyler swirled his coffee with the spoon that was on Blaise's tray, before he looked at Blaise, an uncertain look on his face. He opened his mouth and slowly began to answer, obviously uncertain

Before Skyler was able to speak his thoughts, however, a sudden smash, like a sledgehammer on metal, with a shrill sound of glass shattering boomed over the occupants of the cafeteria.

What the hell was that? Blaise thought, turning his head towards the one large window that faced the school halls.

A bright yellow car, identifying itself as a cab by its paint, slammed down the school hallway at an astoundingly dangerous speed. Behind the wheels were three unnaturally sexy girls, two with red-ish skin, the other with alabaster skin, all fighting for control of the wheel, each with equal unsuccess. The sound of their yelling and bickering was clearly heard from outside the car, but the voices merged into one amalgamate of voices each shouting for their own opinions to be heard and recognized.

Luxor Academy: Flames of ChaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang