Chapter 15 - Roy's Last Fight

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A few weeks ago, I sat at a table with Caesar, a chess table between us, black and white pieces moving across the board.

"Did you know about the events that occured last year?" Caesar asked, his eyes focused on the chess game as he moved a knight.

"I heard things. The nurse died from suicide. Half of the school was destroyed because of faulty craftsmanship. I don't believe it though," I considered the board carefully before moving a pawn forward. Chess wasn't my expertise, and I had no idea what Caesar was up to.

"Yeah, that is a mere facade," Caesar immediately moved one of his pieces, "The nurse was killed, though by whom the school never discovered. And the destruction of half the school was Ryo's doing."

"That's scary," I said as I moved my piece.

"Checkmate," Caesar said quickly, moving his rook over a few spaces. I sat up straight in resignation, allowing Caesar to claim the title of Best Chess Player.

"Roy had to take over the job as a nurse when our previous nurse died," Caesar said, "It was a nightmare. They couldn't even get a substitute nurse in; Roy had to cover the job. And he had no expertise in it either."

"I hope there are no deaths this year," Blaise prayed.

"I say this with abhor, but I do not think that is going to happen," Caesar said, "I fear that this year will be Roy's last at Luxor Academy."

A few hours ago Roy sat with CJ, nursing Earl Grey tea in a room without electricity. The storm outside continued to rage thunder roaring, wind and snow billowing, and the gas heater in the middle of the dorm room did it's hardest to heat the room up.

"The fight with Hundun didn't turn out well," CJ said, swishing tea around in his bowl, "He's a monster like no other."

"I'm glad that you are alive, however," Roy smiled, "I think one friend's death is enough for a few weeks."

"Yes, one is kinda enough," CJ agreed, sipping tea from the brim of the bowl, "Have you tried the cafeteria ham and cheese sandwiches before it got destroyed? Ryo told me they taste good."

Roy laughed, a sound he relished in the uncomfortable seriousness of the power outage, "Ryo was lying. They tasted disgusting."

"Oh," CJ frowned, hiding his head in his bowl to drink the tea. He looked up at Roy, quickly changing the subject, "I heard that the dueling professor is going to attack the dorms later tonight."

"That's unfortunate," Roy said, looking down at his scimitar.

"What do you plan to do?" CJ asked, "Are you going to fight him?"

"Yes," Roy replied, "This may be a dangerous fight unlike any that I've been in, but this is an opportunity to save people. My life is not worth as much as those who are in this building, even if I fear death."

"That's an interesting thought," CJ said, nodding, "Good job. You've opened my eyes to what people who call themselves 'good' really fight for. Maybe I should fight Hundun later tonight with more purpose."

"Tell Blaise that I said hi if you end up dying," CJ said, standing up, "I've got to get going."

And three hours later, as Roy munched slowly on sushi alone, the storm continued to relentlessly billow, he looked back at just how much he didn't end up telling CJ before he left to join Luxor once again against Hundun.

Unlike most people at Luxor Academy, Roy was born through evil. His father was a murderer, alongside everyone in his half of the family. From a small age, Roy knew his destiny was one of bloodshed. His father's side of the family wronged old friends, while his mother's side of the family was betrayed by the same friends.

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