Chapter 10 - The Dragon's Conquest

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A month has passed. From what I can see, Ryo, Seo, and CJ are probably the three most powerful people at Luxor Academy. But Ryo locking the Monster Hunting students into the Dead City and his gang wars make me feel like he's like a rebellious teenager. The troubling thing is that he's not like Skyler, who at his rebellious peak had absolutely no power. He was just all-show, breaking rules just to show that he could. There was no chance he would make any change, and now when he's powerful and able to make change by force, he lacks the motivation to do so. Instead he's addicted to coffee like a drug.

But if a rebellious teenager like Ryo has the means to make change happen, is he going to use his force to take over? I really hope that he doesn't start up something huge. I want to make it through the year with my life intact, no matter how unrealistic of a goal that is.         

-Cessair Blaise Sands

The setting sun casting a red glow over the green grass, the fresh cool evening air, and the lack of any distractions created a perfect time for Seo to practice archery, moving around the field and shooting at targets.

It would have been perfect if not for Ryo. Seo loved his brother to death, but it didn't mean that he wasn't annoyed at his insanity.

"Seo! CJ!" Ryo bellowed from above the living quarter balcony, "Come up here!"

Seo had zero inclination to do as Ryo ordered. CJ, who was sitting at one of the several glass tables set around the housing parts of Behemoth HQ and drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea didn't appear to want to move either.

"Seo! CJ! I have plans to talk about!" Ryo repeated, sticking his head out of the fence of the balcony. It seemed that he was insistent on taking with the two of them since there was a brick in his hand, "CJ, watch your head."

Seo watched in horror as Ryo released the brick right above CJ's teacup It dropped down, shattering the teacup and the table at the same time, sending shards of glass flying at CJ's shocked looking face. Satisfied that he got their attention, Ryo left the balcony and disappeared into the house.

"Oh come on!" CJ shouted, getting up and inspecting the pieces of glass that broke through skin, "Ryo, I'll show you!"

"Don't," Seo warned, dropping his bow on the ground, "I don't want to end up having to fight you if you end up overpowering Ryo. We should go and talk to Ryo before he breaks something else."

As Seo and CJ climbed the stairs up to the balcony, Seo noticed that CJ didn't have a scratch. It was really shocking how quickly CJ healed. Despite not having a dragon form, CJ was really powerful. But it worried Seo, as from situations similar to the one that Caesar had gotten himself in, he was certain that CJ probably paid a hefty price for the power.

At the top of the stairs Seo noticed that Ryo was poring over a giant map, his body racked with giggles. It made Seo uncomfortable since he knew that if Ryo was giggling about something it usually wasn't good. Sometimes it was plain annoying what insane concoctions Ryo managed to make up.

"Behold! My masterplan! A month's worth of work!" Ryo raised his hands in the air in victory. Seo cautiously headed over to the table and gazed nonchalantly at the map. The plan appeared to be fairly simple. Take over the auditorium section of the school, host a rock concert, then when he gets a good public opinion, take over the rest of the school.

"Why are we doing this?" Seo asked, concerned at Ryo's motivation.

"To show the school," Ryo said, slamming his fist down on the table and cracking it into two pieces, "Who's boss!"

"When is this happening?" Seo asked.

"Right now!" Ryo said giddily, pointing towards the school, "To victory!"

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