Chapter 13 - Snowflakes

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"Back at home, snow meant that school would be canceled. Most students would be overjoyed, being able to stay at home and play video games, catch up on homework, get away from the attention of teachers, or have sleepovers.

However, I never ever looked forward to those days. It would mean staying back at home with my younger sister Adrian. My parents were overprotective of her, so they stayed home too, making sure that I would be busy every moment possible. There was no rest for me, they refused to provide me a ride to a friend's house, nor did they allow anyone to stay over.

But Luxor Academy is different. Because of the shorter distance from where everyone lives to the school, including those who've decided to live out of town, I doubt that school would be canceled. I wouldn't be sent home. And I could sit in the cafeteria with Kagami, Kazuki, and Skyler, enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. There better not be something to screw the opportunity up."

-Cessair Blaise Sands

"Flurries," Blaise commented, stretching out his hand and catching some of the ice cold cotton texture falling onto the

"It's snowing earlier than usual," Kagami noticed, her hand outstretched too. Indeed, it was a strange time for it to be snowing. Just a few days ago, Blaise accompanied a large group of people including Ryo, Setsuna, Seo, Lyssa, Kagami, Aiko, and Kazuki to raid the mall with baseball bats, where Black Friday specials ran amock. Canada was cold, but Blaise never remembered it snowing right after Black Friday.

"Focus, focus!" Hundun commanded, clicking his fingers. They were in Monster Hunting class, right outside the school in the forests, learning to fight lions with oddly realistic illusions. They weren't realistic anymore though with the flurries. When the snow touched the lions, the lions sizzled and sparked, the image cutting out for a few moments.

"Professor, I think the lions are having trouble!" CJ commented. It was the first time that Blaise had seen the troublesome tween not in the care of his two brothers. Instead, he was shadowing Aiko, who for the most part ignored him completely and offered zero help.

"Damn it," Hundun cursed, his lips scrunched together in a grimace, "Someone get a tarp over this cursed forest."

"That's not how it works," Kazuki objected, shooting an arrow at the nearest lion's nose.

"Don't tell me what I already know!" Hundun thundered, but his anger dissipated quickly (probably because the snow cooled it down. With resignation, Hundun raised his hand, a portal appearing behind him, "Alright class, you're dismissed. Go get some coffee or something."

Blaise and Kazuki followed everyone along back through the portal into the garishly ornamented Monster Hunting class. It was obvious that the sudden snow had shocked everyone. Students milled around, chatting, discussing plans. Nobody really left the classroom, and it made the place look even more crowded than it usually was.

"So what do you lovebirds have planned?" Kagami asked, waltzing up to Kazuki and Blaise.

"Lovebirds? Says the one dating a robot," Blaise smirked, unconsciously touching the double semi-circle bite mark on his neck. The bite mark had healed black and demonic, eternally etched into Blaise's skin.

"That's true," Kagami admitted, "But Aiko has unfortunately lost her sense of emotion."

It had taken a few weeks for Blaise and Kazuki to realize that Kagami and Aiko were in a close platonic relationship. From the Dead City Aiko was given emotions, something foreign and scary to her, but something that Kagami could guide her through. But now as Blaise looked over to Aiko and CJ sharing a book, there was no sign of emotion in Aiko's death-still stance.

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