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"Before we start this night vigil, I would like to announce that plans are finally in place to transport the remainder of everyone off campus," Luxor said to the crowd, me being one of the many people there, candles in hand, "Everyone will be sent to the airport at noon tomorrow. And with that, let us remember those who have fallen in our fight for life. Please join me in a night of silence."

As Luxor's echoing voice faded out, there was only silence among the people present, our candles each with a fallen's name, standing in grim silence on the lawn next to the ruined academy. The waning moon watched down from the night sky, as silent as the people present.

I stood next to Kazuki, Skyler, Kagami, and Caesar, solemnly holding our beacons of light. Caesar left a spot between him and Kazuki, and as I watched, I swore I could see the faint outline of a bald-figured boy, a tattoo covering part of his head. He gave me and Caesar a wink before fading away.

"We had a good run this year, didn't we?" Kagami asked, her voice quiet. At her side was Aiko, staring silently into her flickering candle.

"Yes we did," I agreed. As much as I was surprised by it, I actually enjoyed being with everyone, and I was somewhat sad that the academy was closing its doors.

The snow illuminated bright, white, and cold as the sun rose, covering every inch of the academy, which looked like monumental rubble. In the areas with less rubble were gigantic communal tents, braziers burning brightly with students huddling around them in sleeping bags for warmth.

Blaise sat next to one of the braziers, a jar of steaming barley tea in his hands. His backpack was at his feet, with the few belongings that survived in the dorms. The other occupants of the tent included Skyler, Kagami, Aiko, Crow, Caesar, Lyssa, Setsuna, and the Sentrales.

Kazuki, his hair tousled, sat down next to Blaise, passing him a sandwich, "I got a ham and cheese sandwich from the mess tent."

"Thanks, Kazuki," Blaise gratefully took the sandwich and took a bite out of it, "I'm famished."

Blaise stared at his sandwich, deep in thought. With most of the academy in ruins, Luxor had decided to close its doors. What would this mean? Going back home to neglectful parents? Back to being ignored; back to being the one sibling that nobody liked?

"Hey, Blaise, what's wrong?" Skyler asked, scooting up beside Blaise, his blue/gold eyes filled with worry.

"It's nothing," Blaise shrugged off Skyler's concern. He knew that he should talk about his dilemma, but he didn't want to burden his friends. Skyler didn't look convinced, but he didn't continue to urge Blaise to talk.

"So what do you all plan after this?" Caesar asked, spinning the handle on his duffel bag.

"Well, I plan to expand Behemoth's influence beyond this city," Ryo spoke for all of the Sentrales.

"I suppose with father gone, I'll be staying by Ryo's side," Setsuna said.

"Yeah! I'm gonna stay by Seo's side!" Lyssa shouted, tackling Seo with a hug.

"I think I might visit my mother for a few months," CJ said thoughtfully.

"I'm going home with Aiko," Kagami said, putting an arm over Aiko's shorter body.

"Perhaps I'll stay with Luxor," Crow said, "I'll need his help."

"I'm gonna go house squatting with Skyler," Kazuki said. He paused, then turned to Blaise, "You're invited too, Blaise. I would have told you sooner, but you were... you know, dead."

"Really?" Blaise felt his vision go brighter in hope, "House squatting?"

"Yep!" Skyler beamed. Blaise had no idea how much he missed Skyler's smile, "That's what you're worried about, right? Going back to your parents."

"Yeah," Blaise smiled, feeling his future warm up.

"Yay!" Kazuki exclaimed, "We've got everything settled. The airplane tickets, what house we take, etc."

"Caesar, CJ, you two are invited as well," Skyler said to the two, "We couldn't get our invitations to you two because... well, you know, Caesar, you were unresponsive for an entire three days and CJ, you were off fighting Hundun."

"Hmm, really?" Caesar looked at Skyler sharply, "Well, I'll stay as long as I can. But unfortunately, I need to return to the spirit world at some point."

"I'll join you guys when I'm done with my visit," CJ smiled.

"Then it's settled!" Kazuki smiled brilliantly, "House squatting!"

"Just curious, but why squatting?" Blaise asked, wondering why they didn't return home.

"I don't think there is any chance of finding my parents," Skyler said.

"My family was turned insane from the demon blood running through their veins," Kazuki said, shivering, "I don't think I can go back there."

"So we're in the same positions," Blaise realized. He was glad that Kazuki and Skyler would stay by his side.

"I promise to visit you three as soon as I can," Kagami said, smiling.

The conversation was abruptly cut short by a whining sound. It was Luxor, standing on top of a box marked "TNT" trying to figure out how to use a giant megaphone.

"Isn't that my megaphone from the Hajimari Tournament?" Ryo asked himself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," Luxor began, speaking into the megaphone, "We've had a change of schedule. The shuttles have arrived early, so please get everything ready. They leave in half an hour."

"Well, this is goodbye," Seo said, smiling, "It was fun sparring with all of you."

"Same with you," Kazuki said, standing up. He didn't have any belongings with him save for his bow and two kukri knives.

Blaise swung his backpack over his shoulder and adjusted his sword scabbard, making sure that it was on tightly, and alongside everyone else, he started walking out of the tent. When he got out into the shining sun, Blaise couldn't help but look back one last time.

The snow covered everything, making it hard to discern any recognizable features from the ruins of Luxor Academy. In all honesty, Blaise was sad to leave. It meant no more sparring with the Sentrales, no more Monster Hunting with Kazuki, no eating bonchiri with Skyler, and leaving behind friends like Kagami.

"Blaise!" Kazuki shouted, "Hurry up!"

"Coming!" Blaise replied, running as fast as he could in the four inches of snow. He may have been sad leaving the academy, but he found who he belonged with.

And it was time to go home with them.

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