Chapter 5 - Snow Cones and Friendship

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Bright fluorescent lights beamed down on Blaise, the harsh light piercing through the cracks of his eyelids. It was a rude awakening from a dream, a dream that Blaise knew was important, but with all his might he couldn't reach.

"Blaise? You awake?" Kazuki's voice bounced through his head like it was going through a funnel. Blaise opened his eyes and was greeted with the sight of Kazuki, leaning over the hospital bed worriedly. He was wearing fresh new clothes, and underneath, Blaise could see the hints of bandages covering wounds.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay," Kazuki said, moving back to give Blaise space as he sat up and twisted around on the bed, "I was so worried about your arm."

At that moment, Blaise moved his arm and realized movement was constrained by bandages. The memories of the battle rushed back to him. Kazuki shooting him in the arm on accident. Him falling to the ground in pain.

In all honesty, Blaise was awake and aware for most of the chaotic free-for-all. He had learned of Aiko's powers, Kagami's fierce fighting style, Crow's sadistic nature, and Skyler's mental breakdown. It was only when Blaise had grabbed onto Crow's ankles and caused him to get sucked into Aiko's black hole did he end up blacking out.

Kazuki continued to look worriedly at Blaise, and a sudden realization hit him. If he had moved out of the way of the arrow, then Kazuki wouldn't be so worried. Maybe they would've won the tournament if not for him. Blaise buried his head in his hands, guilt and a feeling of uselessness flooded through him like a waterfall, the water sweeping Blaise up in a heart dropping emotional rollercoaster. Along the waterfall were rocks, bombarding him with bad thoughts.

"I'm so useless," Blaise said, his voice muffled by his hands.

"Huh?" Kazuki sounded lightly surprised, "Where did that come from?"

Blaise felt fingers pulling his face out of his hands, Blaise was met with Kazuki's eyes and gentle smile. He had never noticed Kazuki's eyes being such a warm brown.

"Don't beat yourself up," Kazuki said, "You contributed well!"

"In what way?" Blaise said dejectedly, looking down, "I screwed up our team!"

Kazuki put his hands under Blaise's chin, forcing him to once again look up at him. His face was filled with mirth and carefreeness and his voice had no hate, "You need to stop thinking so lowly about yourself. Look at what you've actually done. You managed to defeat several people including Anabelle and helped remove Crow from the battle."

The thoughts had completely been forgotten in Blaise's mind. He had been so preoccupied with his failures that he didn't think about what he truly accomplished. It didn't help to make Blaise feel any less like a trash can resident, but it helped the slightest.

"Also, Skyler told me to tell you that he said hi," Kazuki added, removing his fingers from underneath Blaise's chin, "He couldn't come."

"Hmm?" Blaise asked, "Did he give a reason?"

"Nope," Kazuki clicked his tongue, "He said that he had to go to a store that he said wasn't anywhere close to this school to restock on some sort of medicine. Apparently, he's waiting for a bus right now. Seems as if he can't drive."

Blaise nodded his head slowly, wondering what type of medicine Skyler would be getting himself. He hoped Skyler's apparent depression wasn't so bad he needed prescribed medications. But then couldn't he just go to the nearest drug store? Was it about his ice powers that Blaise had no idea of before?

"How did the fight end out?" Blaise asked, suddenly reminded that he wasn't aware of the results of the tournament.

"Not too well," Kazuki gestured to the bandages covering his abdomen, "Kagami took me out, never thought such a kind looking person could fight so ferociously. Aiko took down Skyler, though miraculously, he isn't hurt. Then this guy named Caesar charged head-on at Aiko, I think his power is disintegration, and there was a flash. Next thing I know there's a huge crater in the middle of the field, Ryo's desk is ruined, and Luxor is holding the two of them apart."

Luxor Academy: Flames of ChaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang