Chapter 19 - Ressurection of the Angel

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I was once again with the pillar of light. But this time, who it was wasn't such a mystery anymore. It was the angel, and this time I could understand it.

"Neither of us asked for this, did we?" the angel asked, "Your death, my powers used against my will to alleviate an unnatural power in an unnatural world."

I remained silent. There wasn't anything to say. And I was never fond of talking, especially to strangers.

"I'll tell you what, how about I assist you by helping to resurrect you and lend you my power to defeat Colt?"

"Power is what makes monsters like Colt and Hundun," I protested, glaring at the light.

"Not ones from the influence of angels," the angel objected.

"Lucifer was the angel of light," I countered angrily, "Look at where it got him."

"In fact, part of Lucifer's spirit is attached to Ryo right now," the angel said after a moment of pause.

"Huh," I said. There wasn't anything I wanted to respond to the angel. I was upset about having power thrown at me without consent.

"Here's my offer," the angel said, "I'll reunite you with Kazuki, and you get rid of the scourge called Colt."

"I would gladly accept that, but I don't want power."

The angel was silent once again, then they gave a new offer, "How about I embed myself into your sword. When you need me, call me out of there."

"Fine," I responded.

"Good, we have a deal. Now, I'll tell Caesar to help to resurrect you."

The light slowly faded away, and I became aware of someone yelling unspeakable horrors.

Roy was yelling desperately, "Pineapple on pizza! Pouring milk before the cereal! Cutting cake into squares! Hello? Caesar and Blaise, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I opened my eyes to see Roy gazing at me, worry in his eyes. Alongside him was Caesar, his eyes blank and staring.

"Earth to the Roman Consul!" I shouted, slapping Caesar. Thank goodness I was dead because that slap would have disintegrated my hand to dust otherwise.

"Wha-AH!" life came back into Caesar's eyes, and he looked back and forth between me and Roy, "Why did you slap me?"

"You were in a trance," Roy responded, "Along with Blaise."

"Ah, the angel visited you?" Caesar asked me. I simply nodded. Caesar continued, "Well, looks like it's time to go."

"Before that, I want to know," a question had been hanging over me ever since my interaction with Caesar and Skyler during the Halloween festival, "How are you able to have a spirit realm? How can you destroy things at a pinch of a finger?"

Caesar froze and didn't respond for a moment. Then he sighed, "I suppose since you're here I should tell you my story."

"The people of my family are mediums, able to be hosts to powerful entities. I didn't know until a few months ago, that I hosted a shinigami, a god of Death. Unlike with Skyler, the shinigami's connection to me is closer than the soul. In other words, the shinigami and I are now one."

"So the shinigami gives you powers to bring people to life?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm not that strong yet," Caesar looked up into the blue sky, "I need the angel's help to do so. But I'm willing to try. Kazuki needs you."

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