Chapter 6: Scars

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My head hurt a lot, what happend? Why were my parents falling to their grave? But first what the hell is snoring. I opened my eyes a little everything was a whole lot brighter which ment it was morning. Soft snores and a grunt sounded making me look down at my chest,Damien? Damien was definitely sound asleep, I kind of missed him in a way. Not in like I'm going to kill you way, like I missed you a lot since I've been gone type of way. 

His raven hair was mated to his forehead, prints of my shirt dented into his face causing me to laugh a little. He wore a green tank with gray baggy shorts. Too me he was like my little brother.

"Richard your brother misses you, please don't forget him. He really need you, we all need you. And we will wait for you and help you always."

 It's sad though, when with master there was no laughing or smiling but beatings and orders......and loneliness. Here I feel like I can be my own kind of person. The smell of bacon, pancakes and eggs filled the air. I slowly slipped out of the bed throwing on a tank and shorts from the dresser before slipping out the door quietly.

"Here you go Master Dick, your favorite!"

"Thanks grandpa!"

I shook my head a little, these flashes of memories were giving me a headache.


All the boys minus R and Damien were already downstairs, in their batman pajamas eating. A yawn was heard before a rather tired looking R appeared in the door way.

"What?" He said. Jason started to laugh a little before looking at the teen quite precariously. Noting every scar on his body, little ones on his arms but long dragged out ones across his back and circles on his collar blade. 

"How did you sleep R?" Another yawn before a half spoken "Okayyyyyy" came out. He quietly walked past the boys and too the butler.

"OOO PANCAKES, EGGS, and BACON! My favorite! I haven't had a meal like this in years!" Alfred smiled looking at the boy. Seeing that R so excited brought up the happy memories of Richard again. The boy too would get excited even when he was a teenager and before his death. He would saunter down the stairs and rush into the kitchen asking what they were having. This placed a smile on Alfreds face. Though he missed his granson, this boy seemed to bring the family into a lighter, happier mood.

"What happend yesterday? I remember seeing spots then I was out." R said looking quiet puzzled before grabbing himself a plate of food, that making a smile spred on his face. Alfred loved seeing this boy smile.

"After this would Master R like to go to the park?" The teen looked up when the word Master came up, studying the butler hard for awhile.

"What's a park?" Alfred bout spit out his coffee before looking at the curious teen. Had this boy really not been or seen a park. 

"A park is a place that you can walk around and think for awhile of play on the equipment." 

"Oh you mean a playground, no thanks but there is a gym here is there not?" Bruce eyed the boy for awhile before looking up at his breakfast.

"Yes, yes there is. Would you be interested in it?" The boy smiled beyond content before literally jumping on the counter.

"Yes please, I love swinging, doing circusy things!" Bruce smiled 

"Well lets go."

*BEEP*BEEEP*BEEP* Bruce pulled out his phone before a frown was placed on his face reluctantly answering it.

"Batman, what is going on?" A loud bang sounded before a lot of chittering voices on the other side.

"He what?!" He looked at R before looking at Alfred.

"Alright I'll be there, hold on!" Bruce hung up before standing up quickly.

"There has been an attack on the mountain holding Tera, I must go." R's eyes widened before racing in front of Bruce, surprising the boys and butler.


"R I have to go." R's face turned red before crystal tears fell down his face. Bruce's heart began to break, sure Richard had just come home but what was going on. R looked up before choking out

"Please he will kill everyone that I love, everyone that helped me. If you are going I am too." He ran past Bruce and raced up the stairs before slamming the door.


I couldn't believe it. Master had attacked the mountain, all those teen heros and Tera. I have to save her, I owed her for the countless times she helped stitch me up and helped me. I threw on my suit before jumping over the banister landing quietly as I turned I saw it. A zeta tube and the Batman was no where in sight. I have to save them, on my own. I ran over stopping abruptly in front of the key pad.

"I'm sorry Bruce." With that I typed in a code doing something I might regret later before zetting to the Mountain. A scream was the first thing I heard upon my arrival, I look around. The mountain was trashed. The kitchen had drawers broken, flour everywhere prolly from Me'gann's cooking, the couch was covered in rips and tears. But a trail of blood led into our meeting room, making my blood run cold. Time to save some friends.


Bruce had been searching for Richard but no avail. Maybe he went to the mountain early? He ran over to the Zeta Announcer typing in his code.

"Access Denied Batman 01, overiden code by Nightwing 02"


To Be Continued......

Word Count: 984

Look guys another chapter. I have to say it is getting interesting the more I write but I hope you enjoyed it and please leave any comment on how it was or something you want to see. But untill then Meghan Out!

-A Faded Bird's Memory- (Sequal to A Dark Past of a Boy Wonder)Where stories live. Discover now