Chapter 17: Return to Gotham

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Gotham City 

------------------5 Years Later--------------


It has been little over 5 years since Dick disappeared. Bludhaven has been without Nightwing for quite some time, making the criminals more active and people suspicious. Some speculate that the bird had a run in with a famous criminal and was terminated. Some think that he quit. Some think other things. 

Gotham's criminals Joker, Penguin, ms.Selina Kyle and Harley are doing the usually. Joker and Harley kidnapping hostages and robbing banks resulting them in Arkum. Catwomen still doing the same as always with the Jewelry stores. Penguin with banks and vaults of guns. Me and Robin have caught him a couple of times for illegal trading of guns and drugs. 

As the Batman, I keep my emotions in check but when I return and look in the mirror, I don't see the playboy Bruce Wayne. I see a tired man, who has become more worried as time passes. With Dick gone makes me insane. When he had left we found lots of stuff out. He was sick with a poison made just like Scarecrows previous attempts. He could loose his memory again.

Even though my facade stays the same while on the job, others have faltered. Red Robin has been gone for awhile, Red Hood has minimized his killings and has stayed relatively quiet. And Robin....well Robin has shown the most change. The boy was always quiet when he came home from school, middle school that is. Its the same routine. Opens the door greets Alfred with a small smile before climbing the stairs to sit in his room.

I know Dick has show some impact on Damien's life. Hell to everyone. Alfred speaks little talk but stays quiet. When he cleans the photos he always stops at the one we had taken shortly after we got Dick back. The man shows his old side when he gives it a small weak smile before placing back in its respective place.  When Damien goes to his room, I hear little conversations he has with himself.

"Grayson where did you go?"

"I miss you Richard.."

"I want my back."

It starts to hurt me listening to him. There are times where I hear him praying. Praying for his brother to be ok so they can be a happy family again. Man sometimes I want to pray with him.

I frown thinking about what has happend since he has been gone. I mean we just got Dick back and then bam he's gone again. Upon all these thoughts a slow door creak pulled me away from my mood. 

My dark blue eyes scanning the top floor to see Damien. His eyes were red, his hair sprawled everywhere. His white t-shirt damp from the tears. He slowly walks down stairs before shuffling over to the island. He looked exhausted, he slowly sat on the stool before sagging on the counter. I take it he hadn't seen me.

Slowly I pull myself to my feet and make my way to the kitchen.

"Damien?" His shoulders tense up before whipping around to face me.

"F-Father? What are you doing down here?" His eyes widening before quickly rubbing his eyes with his arm.

" I couldn't really sleep. Why are you down here? You have school tomorrow." He looks down, his eyes telling me everything. I slowly moved forward placing him in a deep embrace. He tensed up before slowly hugging back. Little drops made their way to my shirt, before the sniffles began to rack through his body. I rub his back, kind like what I did when Dick had nightmares. After awhile his cries stopped, making me pull him back to look at his face.

"Damien, I want you to tell me. I don't want you to let these things haunt you. Share them." He was still looking at the marble floor. I tilt his head up so his eyes met mine.

"I miss Dick too." I let a silent tear fall down my face. I couldn't remember the last time I cried. When my parents died, when Dick quit being Robin, Jason's death, when Dick returned. No, it was cause I was missing him again. 

Damien looked at me, tears filling his eyes as he looked at me. Giving a small smile before hugging me hard.

"Daddy, Im scared."

Dad, that is the first time he called me dad.


-Anonymous POV-

I have gotta say, Gotham has changed a little. Then again 5 years does that, but then again I have changed a lot. I am no longer 6'1, I grew to be 6'3. Not a big difference huh lol. Yeah well still. My style has as well. 

My figure has become more built and muscle. I am currently wearing blue jeans, with a navy blue shirt companied by a black jacket. It was currently fall and fall in Gotham can get cold sometimes, and that sometimes was today. It was 42 degrees with some clouds. But then again it was like 8 in the morning.

Quickly I jog across the street, to my favorite cafe. What cafe you must be asking well the good Gorden Coffeeworks. It has the best coffee around Gotham not that I am shaming Starbucks buttttt it is good so. 

Opening the door I scan at all the people that were currently there. About 28 plue me so that like 29 people. I make my way to the line standing behind 3 older looking kids. One that has black hair with a little white on the front. The two boys with him have jet black hair. One boy was wearing a green shirt, dark black jeans and a long black jacket. Dark much. The boy next to him was on his phone. He was wearing green/blue shirt matching similar to what the boy in green was.

Once they ordered they left for the other side of cafe. The bartender smiled at me.

"Hi honey, what can I get'cha?" I smiled.

"Hi, can I get a Pumpkin Spice Latte?" She smiled before grabbing a large cup and writing down the type of drink down.

"What's the name?" 

"Richard. Richard Grayson." She smiled before taking the cup in the back. I glanced over the opposing line seeing the three guys that were standing in front of me previously, looking at me with a wide eyes, the one in green looked like he was gunna cry the other two looked like they saw a ghost.

I nodded my head before grabbing my drink. Thanking the woman before tipping and making my way out the door, only to be stopped by a strong set of arms. I slowly turned to see that it was the boy in the green.


To Be Continued....

Word Count: 1,171

HEY guys lol! Lookie who's back at it again. i know damn Daniel, no lets be serious lol. I have been so busy lately but I was pretty excited to write this chapter. I had serious authors block and massive homework assignments. Then again I expect nothing less when I'm a Junior. 

But I hope you enjoyed and I will see you soon hopefully!

-A Faded Bird's Memory- (Sequal to A Dark Past of a Boy Wonder)Where stories live. Discover now