Chapter 13: Big Brother

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Batcave 4:25 A.M.

Third Person POV
"Who are you?" They all looked at him with a smile before laughing.
"Haha dickhead very funny." Jason laughed tears slowly making way down his face. Richard looked at him with utter confusion. Had the question he asked really that funny?
"Todd he isn't joking." A quiet voice said. Jason slowly looked at Damien before looking at Dick.
"Hehe you have to be right? RIGHT?!" Richard looked at him with sad eyes before shaking his head slowly.
"I am very sorry but this isn't a joke. I honestly don't know you or who I am. Im sorry." Tears dripped to the floor of the now still room. The boys eyes widened, they never saw him cry before the last time it was....
"Grayson! WHAT DID YOU do to my room!" Screamed a angry assassin. What was his green and black room was now a baby pink covered room with an addition of pink glitter. Damien himself was the same color. He had walked into the room on to see a bright flash before getting hit with glue, feathers and glitter.
Richard was laughing hysterically with his brothers as the angry boy walked outside of his rooms looking like a pink chicken.
"HAHAHAH! Dami.. ha!" He fell to the floor laughing harder seeing his brother. He knew he went a little far by getting Damian dirty but to him that was icing on the cake.
"I WILL get you back Grayson." Was the last thing he heard before the boy stomped into his room for a well deserved shower.
"Whatever Dami, I'm going to Wally's house. See you guys in a hour or so." And with a wave he left.
—————2 1/2 hours later——————-
"I told you not to mess with me Grayson." Damien said with a smirk as he looked at his work, before leaving.
"Hey alf" called a certain acrobat.
"Hello master Dick, master Damien has requested you in your living quarters. Something about getting even sir. Do you know what he means? Dicks eyes widened before sprinting up the stairs leaving the butlers question unanswered.
Dick slowly opened his door to see his room completely trashed. His books that were once on the oak shelf now scattered across his floors. His computer had a new accessory in its screen. His clothes strung around his room like christmas lights and his box. His special box had been ripped and the contents scattered all over the wall.
He slowly walked to his computer before pulling the paper off the katana.

I told you that I would get you. Enjoy the mess!

He crushed the note before looking at his wall. His last poster of 'The Flying Graysons' was shredded with little shirken stuck in it. The stuffed elephant his mom gave him on his birthday was cut in half, its insides became the outsides on his bed. But his leotard, it was ripped and written on. 'Charity Case, Loss cause, Gypsy' written by his bullies whom found it in his locker when he was a kid. But the last straw was the photo. His last and ONLY photo with his and his parents was ripped into sixteen pieces and all over the floor.
"DAMIEN!" Todd and Tim jumped, this wasn't good. They made their way to the balcony to see Grayson race past with a very angry expression. He pounded on the door before getting an answer.
"Go away Grayson."
"Get out here NOW!"
"Im good hehe Charity Case!" The boys watched as there older brother put his head down. His raved hair creating a shadow over his eyes, before he kicked the door hard, knocking it down. He disappeared into the room before dragging a now scarred Damien out by his collar.
"Dick let him go." Tim said only to be shut up by a nightstick that made itself into the wall an inch from his face. The boys followed before stopping in the door way.
"What did you do Damian?" Jason said in fear. Damien didn't realize what he did till he saw how mad he made Dick.
"WHAT DID YOU DO DAMIAN!?" Damien looked at what he saw as a harmless prank before looking at his brother with wide fear filled eyes.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!!" He threw him to the floor before pointing to the confeddied wall.
"That IS THE ONLY THINGS I HAD FROM MY PARENTS BEFORE THEY DIED!" Jason ran over and hugged Dick. He hadn't seen his brother this mad.
"Dickie its okay!" He yelled as he held his brother back. Grayson finally gave up before picking up the peices of photo. He began to cry as he brought the ripped photo to his chest.
Damien stepped forward before flashing a big smile.
"Im Damien Wayne."
"Im your awesome brother Jason Todd."
"Heya Im Timothy Drake."
and together they looked at him.
"And you are our big brother Richard John Grayson." They said before flashing smiles.
Richard smiled he felt like he knew them, and really loved them. He was going to get to the bottom of this and get his memories back for his brothers.
"A big brother huh?" He said as he flashed his goofy smile.
I promise.
To Be Continued.....
Word Count: 961
Heya guys what is up! I updated so @manyfandoms4 and @Sibrine I hope you are happy! lol I promise I will update tomorrow seeing as I had a busy day. I will explain what is going on, if you read the first book you will understand that our acrobat had been injected with serums which now is poisonous our Richard is having side effects from this. I hope you understand now. But until the next chapter, Meghan out!

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