Toon Boy vs. Red Hood

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It had been a year since Robin Warner started dating Barbara Gordon. And their relationship was a happy one. Robin was able to make Barbara laugh, and Barbara made Robin happy. Suddenly, a vigilante that called himself the Red Hood was killing the criminals of Gotham. The Young Justice team investigated this Red Hood to find out who he was. After a few weeks, Robin was able to catch up to him, and confronted the anti villain one night.

 "Well, well, well, if it ain't Young Justice's Saturday morning reject," taunted the Red Hood, "Hey the 90's called

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 "Well, well, well, if it ain't Young Justice's Saturday morning reject," taunted the Red Hood, "Hey the 90's called. They said your costume's outdated, and they want it back." Toon Boy smirked and said, "I finally caught up to ya, Red Hood." He placed his arms on his hips. "And I know exactly who you are, Jason Todd." Toon Boy pointed out. Red Hood took off his helmet and revealed his face. He had jet black hair with a white streak, Caucasian skin, blue eyes. It was the second former Robin, Jason Todd. "I gotta say, I'm impressed you found out who I am," admitted Jason, "I was expecting at least one of the Bat Family members to deduce my identity... guess you're not as dumb as I thought you looked."

"Thanks, I guess," replied Toon Boy, "but you ain't too far off. We all deduced it. Plus, I've seen footage of you in action back when you were Robin. Wait, aren't you technically a zombie?" Jason scowled, and said in annoyance, "I'm not a zombie. And even if I was, I sure as hell wouldn't want to eat your brains."

"My flesh would probably taste like ink anyway," retorted Toon Boy, "the real question is... how'd you come back from the dead exactly? Book that's like the Necronomicon? Black magic? Lazarus Pit?" Jason laughed and asked, "What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? You just answered your own question." Toon Boy scowled and said, "Ah yes, they told me you were known for your attitude and arrogance. I'm here to stop you Jason. And we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Jason chuckled and said, "Oh, and what's the easy way?"

"Just come home Jason," persuaded Toon Boy, "your family misses you. Dick and Babs miss you. You're their little brother." Jason loaded his gun and asked, "What if I say no? Because as far as I'm concerned, Bruce is dead to me." Toon Boy shook his head and sighed, "Then I do this the hard way. I kick your butt into next Thursday, and I bring you in by the book." Jason laughed and said, "I'd like to see you try. I doubt you could even swat a mosquito." Toon Boy groaned in annoyance, "I swear, is this what it is? Do a fake snarky laugh, then do petty insult? Because I swear, it's getting annoying really fast." Jason smirked and said, "You're getting annoying really fast. What do you think this is, some feel good fluff novel where I reconcile with Bruce and it's all Kumbaya? Think again, little man." He tauntingly squatted down to make it look like he was facing the 3'3 Ink-Blot Dude. "Word of advice, Toon Boy," threatened Jason, "Back off. Don't mess with me. I'm never coming home, and I will never reconcile with Batman. And one more thing. Do you honestly think your relationship with Barbara is ever going to work? You're a toon, and she's a human. And from what I heard, toons can't reproduce. You won't be able to give Barbara what she wants. I mean, why would she want to be with a loser like you, when she could be with a real man, like me?"

That did it. "Alright, Mr. Doubty Mustafa," a provoked Toon Boy said, "now you've gone too far!" He then made his right hand inflate to a comically bigger hand, and used his inflated hand to punch Jason right in the gut, knocking him down to the ground. Jason began to shoot with his guns, missing. Jason then punched Toon Boy. In retaliation, Toon Boy kicked Jason in the shins. Jason jumped in pain. Toon Boy then grabbed Jason's gun, and bitchslapped him with it. By now, Jason was seeing stars. "You gonna bring Barbara into this fight again?" asked Toon Boy, "I took several beatings for her! I lost my tail! I almost died from Joker!" He was pissed off. Suddenly, a breach occurred, letting out a portal. And out of the portal came a small unicorn stallion. He had a light amber coat, a fiery colored mane and tail, red hooves, and a red music note on his butt. The unicorn fell right on top of Toon Boy, causing him to crash on the ground and scream as if he threw out his own back. This unicorn was on top of him. Jason saw this, and started laughing at him. 

"Jason, help get this unicorn off me!" struggled Toon Boy. "Why?" laughed Jason, "This is the funniest thing I've ever seen!" Toon Boy struggled and said, "Come on, can't we make a truce this once? Help me out!" Jason laughed and said, "Truce yourself. I'm so telling Barbara about this! Feed your ego some humble pie, ya wimp." Jason put his Red Hood helmet back on, and left Toon Boy there. Toon Boy struggled and struggled, and out of anger, called out to Red Hood, "You know, 1985cat really made you an unlikable jerk in that Old Man Jason novel! I liked you better when you were dead!"

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