A Place to Rest

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Robin had convinced Garrett to sleep at his house for the night until they could find a way to get him back to Equestria. They were at Acme Acres, at Robin's house. "I must say, I like this Acme Acres," complimented Garrett as he looked at the view of Robin's hometown. "Glad you like it," said Robin. "It reminds me of home," pointed Garrett. Robin smiled. Suddenly, Robin's pet husky puppy Skittles walked in. The pup wagged his tail at Garrett. "Who's this adorable puppy?" Garrett asked as Skittles sniffed the unicorn. "Oh, that's my puppy Skittles," replied Robin, patting the pup. Garrett nuzzled Skittles, and the pup already liked this guest. "So, not to invade your privacy or anything," began Robin, "but are you in love with Twilight?" 

"How'd you guess?" Garrett asked, blushing. "Well, you're acting super concerned about her well being," stated Robin, "kind of like me when Barbara first got kidnapped." 

"Did you rescue her?" Garrett asked. "Yeah, I did," said Robin, "I even told her I loved her." Garrett smiled. This Ink-Blot Dude could relate to his feelings. "I'll admit," said Garrett, "the main reason I came to Twilight's castle on that fateful day was because I wanted to tell her I loved her. I wanted her to be my mare-friend." He looked down. Skittles whimpered. "We'll help you save Twilight," promised Robin. Garrett smiled and said, "You're a good friend, Robin Warner. Sorry for landing on top of your back." Robin smirked and said, "Don't worry. I won't take it personally." This made Garrett laugh. 

Robin allowed Garrett to sleep in the guest room that Barbara would usually sleep in. As Robin tucked Garrett in, Garrett said, "I'm a little optimistic that the Mane 6 defeated Dark Heart. But there's a downside to this optimistic thought. What if, they all think I'm dead? Including my band mates? What if my sister Sunset thinks I'm dead?" 

 "I'll help you convince them as a credible source of proof," assured Robin. "It's funny, all these thoughts remind me of part of a song my sister sang," said Garrett, "part of the lyrics were, I may not know what the future holds, but this much I can say, that my past does not define me, cuz my past is not today." Robin smiled and said, "Those are good words to live by." Garrett took Robin's hand said asked, "Can I admit something? I'm a little scared, Robin. Can you please stay with me until I fall asleep?" Robin smiled and said, "Sure Garrett." And he did.

Robin Warner Meets Garrett ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now