Colts to Stallions

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At Sugar Cube Corner, a private party was being held. It was the four stallions, Elvis, Barry Tone, Tenor, and Fall Setto, members of Colts to Stallions. Also there was Pinkie Pie and Applejack. They were still coming to terms with Garrett's supposed death. "Before we propose our toast," began the leading Pegasus known as Elvis; who had a hairstyle similar to Superman's, a suede blue coat, and had ocean blue eyes, "let's thank Applejack for providing her family apple cider. And let's thank Pinkie for setting up this service for us."

After thanks were given, Elvis rose his glass and said, "Guys, let us raise our glasses and propose a toast to our fallen friend, Garrett Shimmer. Physically, he may be gone, but his memory will live on forever." The four stallions then rose their glasses and said in unison, "To Garrett!" They clunk their glasses together. Pinkie silently said, "Here, here..." After the cider was drunken, the ginger haired land pony with glasses known as Barry said, "Okay, are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?"

Normally, this would be the part where Pinkie would joke about an elephant, but Pinkie Pie was in no joking mood. "What elephant?" Elvis asked. "You know exactly what elephant in the room I'm talking about, Elvis," stated Barry, "the future of this group. Are we going to disband? If not, are we going to find a replacement?"

"Well first off," began Elvis, "no Barry, we're not going to disband Colts to Stallions. If some of you need to take a Hiatus for personal reasons, I totally understand and forgive you. But it's as Garrett used to say, The Show Must Go On. Second off, there's nopony that could ever replicate Garrett's personality and charm. And if we did replace him, I feel like we would be insulting Garrett's memory. So no, we will not be replacing Garrett."

"Well that's good to know," said Barry, "I can drink to all that." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get that Sugar Cube," said Applejack. She was ready to give Somepony a piece of her mind. Especially since this was a private party. She opened the door, and saw it was Princess Celestia. "Why Princess!" Applejack said in surprise, "please, do come in!" How could she refuse the Princess of the Sun? The others noticed the ruler, murmuring her name, kneeling before her. "So this is the group Garrett would often sing with," observed Celestia. Elvis looked at her and said, "We are honored to be in your presence, Princess Celestia."

"The honor is all mine Elvis," said Celestia, "and I bring good news to all of you." At that cue, Sunset, Garrett, and Robin walked. The group, and Pinkie and Applejack gasped in shock. Pinkie's hair inflated again. "Garrett?" Elvis asked, walking up to him, "is it you bud?" Garrett smiled and said, "It's me Elvis. I'm back."

"How do we know you ain't an evil Changeling?" Applejack asked. Pinkie pointed at Robin and excitedly, "He brought that guy!" The others, minus Celestia, Garrett, Sunset, and Robin, looked dumbfounded. "What she just said is very true," said Robin. "What do ya mean Sugar Cube?" asked Applejack. "Garrett got blasted to that guy's dimension, and that guy isn't a unicorn and wanted to help Garrett get back here!" Pinkie said in one breath. "Impressive Pinkie," observed Robin, "the breaking of the fourth wall is strong with you. My name is Robin Warner, everyone. It's nice to meet all of you." He shook everyone's hooves. "Oh, and by the way Robin," said Pinkie, "somewhere out there, Jason Todd is griping about being dragged into this novel and not being able to swear and curse in this family friendly novel." Robin chuckled and said, "That sounds like Jason alright."

"Okay, let's get a little serious here," stated Barry, "we all missed you Garrett. We're glad to know that Dark Heart monster didn't kill you." Garrett smiled and said, "I missed you guys too. I know my supposed death may have been sudden, but are you guys willing to let me back in?" Elvis smiled and said, "Garrett, you'll always be part of this group. C'mere." Garrett and the rest of the band members all joined in a group hug. "It's funny, that Elvis guy kind of reminds me of Conner," thought Robin as he smiled at the reunion. "Yay, the TwiGar shipping is alive!" squealed Pinkie. Everypony, except for Pinkie, all asked in dumbfounded unison, "TwiGar?" Pinkie giggled and said, "That's my shipping name for Princess Twilight and Garrett." Sunset smirked. "Sorry, that just sounds like a He-Man villain," commented Robin, earning a laugh from everypony.

Garrett's eyes widened as he realized, "I gotta find Princess Twilight and let her know I'm alive! Guys, I gotta go." He then raised a glass of apple cider and said, "But before I go, allow me to propose a toast to this group. Because Colts to Stallions is more than just a band to me. We're a family!" The four other stallions raised their glasses and said, "Here, here!" As soon as Garrett finished drinking his drink, he and Robin left the Sugar Cube Corner. "Come on Pinkie and Applejack," said Sunset, "Let's tell Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity that Garrett's alive!"

Robin Warner Meets Garrett ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now