Meeting Batman

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The next morning, Garrett woke up, feeling far more energized. "You look more energized," observed Robin as he and Garrett ate breakfast. "I feel a lot better," admitted Garrett. "That's good to know," replied Robin. The two ate their breakfasts. "Is there anypony that is capable of sending me back home?" Garrett asked. "We've thought of a few," explained Robin, understanding this was the way ponies talked in Garrett's home world; "there's Doctor Fate, but I'm not sure if he's interested. There's Zatanna, but we're not sure if she knows a spell to Equestria. Though I'm optimistic we may find one. There's this guy named Cisco Ramon, no wait, he's fighting a cold. Wait, we got a new member, her name's Raven. Nah, it could potentially summon her father Trigon, and he's as bad as Dark Heart."

 "Is there a time spell that can make it look like I never left?" Garrett asked. "Possibly," said Robin, "Hey Garrett, M'gann told Babs and I that you're part of a music group known as Colts to Stallions. How many members are there?" Garrett thought for a moment, then once he remembered, said, "Well, there's me, a unicorn stallion, two land pony stallions, and a Pegasus stallion. Our lead singer's name is Elvis, he's the Pegasus. The two land ponies, their names are Barry Tone and Tenor. And the other unicorn, his name's Fall Setto. We're a quintet singing group. Sometimes we'll do originals, sometimes covers. I'm the bass of the group, helping with harmonies, occasionally getting a solo."

 "How'd you all meet?" Robin asked, fascinated. Garrett chuckled and said, "Funny you should ask. You see, I was on my way to Ponyville to look for my sister. I have this habit where I sing to myself on a long journey. While on my quest, I met four stallions around my age, the ones I mentioned. They were impressed with my singing, and offered me a chance to join their group. I love singing, so I leapt at the opportunity. I've been with them since. They're my friends."

 "It's funny," said Robin, "here, we got a boy band with a similar name. Boyz II Men. The Boys is spelled with a Z at the end, and the word "to" is replaced with the number two. It's interesting wordplay. But they're really popular." Garrett smiled, amused by the similarity of these Boyz II Men. Robin's cell phone rang, and the Ink-Blot Dude picked up, saying, "Hello? Hey babe. How are you this morning? Good... Ah, you told Bruce? Does he believe you? Ah, I see... Okay, we'll be there soon. Okay, love ya. Bye." He then hung up, looked at Garrett, and said, "Alright Garrett, I'm going to get dressed. We're going to the Watchtower to meet with Barbara and her mentor, Batman. He knows people that can get you back to Equestria." Garrett smiled and said, "That's the best news I've heard all day!" A few minutes later, Robin got dressed into his regular civilian clothes, and the two were ready to leave the house, when Skittles started barking. "What's wrong boy?" Robin asked, scratching the pup's ears. Skittles whimpered at Garrett. "I think he wants to come with us," stated Garrett. "Oh okay boy, you can come," said Robin as he picked Skittles up and put him on Garrett's back.

After 30 minutes, the three friends went into the Watchtower. The intercom said, "Recognized: Toon Boy B96, and guests." Also inside the Watchtower was Barbara in her Batgirl costume, and before Garrett's eyes, a man around 6'2, wearing a bat costume. This was The Batman. His eyes, which had no pupils, narrowed. Garrett looked at Batman, and he wasn't as intimidated by him as he was by Dark Heart. In fact, Batman reminded Garrett of his father, a wise protective guardian. "Glad you could make it," said Batgirl as she smiled and kissed Robin on the cheek. Nobody seemed bothered by the fact that Skittles was on Garrett's back. "Batman, this is the stranger from another dimension, Garrett Shimmer," introduced Robin, "Garrett, this is my girlfriend's mentor, Batman." Garrett smiled bashfully, waved his hoof and said, "Hi, nice to meet you." Batman didn't show any signs of emotions, and in a deadpan voice, said, "Nice to meet you too, Garrett."

"Robin tells me you know people that can get me back home?" asked Garrett. "What Atticus has said is true," replied Batman, "from what Barbara and M'gann have told me, you possess a certain type of magic from your home world." Although Garrett was taken aback by finding out that Robin's real name was Atticus, he said, "Why yes, I do. Allow me to demonstrate." He used the magic in his horn to lift up Robin's Acme Cap. Robin, Batgirl, and Skittles gave a look of surprise. "Incredible..." said an impressed Batgirl.

"The magic your kind possesses, is it dark magic?" Batman asked. "Not really," replied Garrett, "Some have been corrupted by dark magic, but it was usually temporary. But coincidentally, my friends and I encountered a dark entity that's as bad as this Trigon you speak of. He was powerful enough to blast me here." Batgirl gave a look of concern and said, "That sounds bad."

"I know someone who may have the capability to send you back to your home world. In fact, I believe he owes me a favor," said Batman as he got out his phone and dialed a certain number, "Hello, John? This is Batman. Remember the last case I helped you with and you promised to help me as a favor? Now's the time to do me that favor, John. Head on over to the Watchtower ASAP. Goodbye." He hung up his phone. "Don't worry Garrett," he assured, "my acquaintance will help get you home."

Robin Warner Meets Garrett ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now