Brother and Sister Reunion

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Meanwhile in Ponyville, Sunset Shimmer was at Starlight Glimmer's house. She was devastated by her brother's death. So she turned to the one mare she could trust. The one mare she was in love with. Sunset hadn't told Starlight she was in love with her yet. The only pony she even came out to about her sexuality was Garrett. He was the only pony who knew she loved Starlight. Sunset was in tears, hugging Starlight tightly. A tearful Starlight held the crying Sunset, softly saying, "It's okay Sunset... I'm here... I'm here..."

 "W-why does it still h-hurt?" Sunset sobbed, holding on to Starlight tightly, but not so tight the mare couldn't breathe. "I don't know..." Starlight said softly, "but I'm here..." Sunset began to hyperventilate as she continued to sob. She felt years worth of guilt. "I should have gone home to- to- to him, w-when Celestia expelled me;" cried Sunset, "maybe h-he wouldn't have died..." 

 "This was beyond your control Sunset, it's not your fault..." said a soft hearted Starlight. "Please don't leave me," begged a tearful Sunset, "I love you..." Starlight gave a look of surprise. Did her best friend admit her feelings to her? True, Starlight had been debating with herself whether she had any romantic feelings towards Sunset. "Y-you do?" asked Starlight. Sunset sniffled a little and said, "Sorry if I told you so soon. You see, when I reunited with Garrett, I came out to him that... I was gay..."

"Oh, I didn't know..." admitted Starlight, "coincidentally... I think I'm gay too..." She blushed. "Starlight, ever since we first met," admitted Sunset, "I've developed feelings for you... maybe it's Garrett's death, maybe I don't want to die alone... I just... need you Starlight..." She looked into Starlight's moderate Persian blue eyes. "Maybe Garrett's death has taught us both that life's too short," said Starlight, "and I want to be with you too Sunset Shimmer." She looked into Sunset's cyan eyes. "Starlight Glimmer, will you be my mare-friend?" asked Sunset. "Yes, I will," replied a tearfully happy Starlight. They were then ready to kiss on the lips, when suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll, uh, get that..." Starlight said sheepishly. They both blushed, wiping tears from their eyes. Starlight then opened the door, and outside was Princess Celestia. "Oh, hello Princess." Starlight casually said. "Starlight, Sunset," acknowledged Celestia, "they told me you were here. How are you holding up Sunset?"

Sunset sighed and said, "I'll admit Princess, I've seen better days... but Starlight is helping me through this grief." She held her mare-friend's hoof. "That's wonderful to know," stated Celestia, "but you no longer have to grieve, my student. I bring glad tidings." Starlight gave a look of confusion and asked, "What do you mean your highness?" Celestia smiled, and called outside, "Okay boys, you can come in." A few seconds later, Garrett and Robin walked in, looking at Sunset and Starlight. Sunset gasped, her eyes widening in shock, as if she saw a ghost! Garrett smiled a little and said, "Hey sis..." Sunset looked at her younger brother and asked, "G-Garrett? Am I dreaming? Is it really you?" Garrett looked at his big sister and said, "No, this is real. It's me Sunny." Starlight stood by Sunset and said, "What if he's a Changeling?"

"He's not a Changeling," said an annoyed Robin, "sheesh, is this gonna become a running gag throughout this novel?" Celestia chuckled. "How are you alive?" asked Sunset. "Dark Heart's blast didn't kill me," explained Garrett, "it sent me to another earth. His earth. Care to introduce yourself, pal?" Robin smiled and said, "I thought you'd never ask. My name is Atticus Melvin Isadore Frederick Charles Bosko Steven James Tiberius Kirk Warner. But, they call me Robin." Starlight gave a baffled look and asked, "If your first name is Atticus, why do they call you Robin?" He smirked and said, "It's a long name gag." This caused Sunset and Starlight to laugh. "Anyway, Garrett did end up in my dimension," said Robin, "he's the legitimate real deal. Oh, and it's nice to meet you, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer. Your brother's a real good guy Sunset." Garrett smiled and hugged his big sister. Sunset smiled and said, "I missed you so much... Welcome home, little brother." The two stayed this way for a few minutes. The sight moved Celestia, Starlight, and Robin to tears of joy. "Thank you for bringing him home Robin," said Starlight. A few minutes later, Garrett asked, "Sunny, the guys, do they know...?"

"Unfortunately yes," admitted Sunset, "they're holding a tribute service in your memory at Sugar Cube Corner."

"We should go there right now," suggested Robin. "A most good idea Robin," agreed Celestia. "I'll come with you," said Sunset, "oh, and before I forget..." She then kissed Starlight on the lips. "I'll come back babe," promised Sunset as Starlight smiled at her. As the four left, Robin said, "My girlfriend and I agree, you and Starlight make an adorable couple."

Robin Warner Meets Garrett ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now