Meeting Garrett

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A few hours later, Robin and Barbara were in the medical room of the JLA Watchtower. Garrett was sleeping on the medical bed, a blanket covering him. Barbara was rubbing Robin's aching back. "When I was confronting Jason, he said something that got to me," said Robin, "he said... Our relationship won't work because I can't give you what you want... As far as having kids is concerned..." Robin looked down, his ears dropping. Barbara gently put her hand on Robin's face. Robin looked at her, looking into her sky blue eyes. "Robin, don't believe what Jason said." Barbara gently said, "he doesn't know the pain you've been through. And besides, we've been dating for a year. I'm not ready to have kids; at least not yet... I love you despite your flaws. And you have one thing Jason doesn't."

"A sense of humor?" Robin asked. "That, but also a loving heart," said Barbara. She then kissed him on the lips. Robin embraced the kiss for a few minutes. Barbara smirked and said, "If it makes you feel better, when Jason failed to help you and called you a loser, I punched him in the face." This made Robin laugh. "I love you Barbara Gordon," he said happily. Suddenly, Garrett started groaning. "He's waking up," said Robin. Garrett then slowly opened up his cyan eyes. He looked at the two strangers in confusion. "Where am I?" Garrett asked. "Hey buddy, it's alright..." Robin said in a calm voice. "W-who are you two?" Garrett asked, looking at Robin and Barbara. He could tell the young woman wasn't his sister Sunset, but he almost did mistake the redhead for her. "I'm Barbara Gordon," said Barbara. "And I'm her boyfriend, Robin Warner," replied Robin. Garrett looked at Barbara and asked, "Why do you sound like Princess Twilight?"

Barbara gave a look of confusion and asked, "Princess Twilight?" Garrett blushed and said, "Sorry... You just reminded me of her... She's a friend of mine. What is this place?" He got up, and gently went off the bed. "You're in the JLA Watchtower," stated Robin, "specifically the medical room. And in case you're wondering what world this is, we specify this world as Earth 16." Garrett nodded, understanding. "We know this world seems scary to you," said Barbara, "and you may be taken aback by the fact that we know your name is Garrett, but you're among friends." She gently put her hand on his mane. Garrett felt safe with these people. "Do you remember anything, Garrett?" Robin asked. "It's a long story, " replied a hesitant Garrett. "We're willing to listen," assured Barbara.

"Well, I was headed to Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle," explained Garrett, "she was hanging out with her five friends. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Those are their names. Suddenly, all seven of us were sucked into some mysterious dark portal. But it only got worse from there... We ended up in a dark scary world. Its ruler was a dark entity as ancient as Equestria itself." Robin and Barbara nodded, listening. "What kind of entity was it?" Robin asked. "It took on the form of a monster," explained Garrett, "it had the upper head and body of a dark furred werewolf with red eyes, and the lower body of a spider." Barbara shuddered, thinking a monster like that was pure nightmare fuel. "Did this dark entity have a name?" Barbara asked. "Yes, it's name was Dark Heart," replied Garrett, "apparently, Dark Heart wanted the magic of an Alicorn in order to return to Equestria to exact his revenge and corrupt my world in darkness."

 "What's an Alicorn?" Robin asked. "Oh, my bad," chuckled Garrett, "an Alicorn is a pony with the horn of a unicorn and the wings of a Pegasus. They are of royalty. In case you're wondering, Princess Twilight Sparkle is an Alicorn. You can see why Dark Heart chose her, right? It was only bad luck that me and her friends were with her." Robin and Barbara nodded, putting it all together. Garrett sighed and said, "I remember the battle all too well..."


The Mane 6 and Garrett were fighting Dark Heart's army of undead skeletal zombies and dark grey wolves. Dark Heart glared at Twilight, wanting her powerful magic.

Rainbow Dash punched the skeletal zombies, saying, "Now this is a fight!" Rarity, Twilight, and Garrett used the magic from their horns to disintegrate the zombies and wolves

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Rainbow Dash punched the skeletal zombies, saying, "Now this is a fight!" Rarity, Twilight, and Garrett used the magic from their horns to disintegrate the zombies and wolves. Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack kicked the zombies and wolves back with their hooves. "I admire the courage you ponies are showing to resist me," stated Dark Heart, "but resistance is pointless. Surrender to me Alicorn, and I may spare your friends, only enslaving them." Twilight glared and said, "Never!" She blasted at Dark Heart, wounding his left shoulder. "What she said," chimed Garrett, "better to die a free pony than to live in bondage!" 

 "You tell him Garrett!" Pinkie encouraged. "If you love your princess so much," growled Dark Heart, "then you can die for her!" He then blasted at Garrett, and Garrett was gone, right off the map.


 "After that, I blacked out," continued Garrett, "I thought I was dead, but it looks like I'm not dead, and Dark Heart blasted me to this dimension." Robin and Barbara listened to Garrett's story, and when he finished, they felt sorry for him. "We're really sorry you and your friends had to go through that," said Barbara. Garrett smiled a little and said, "Thanks Barbara..." He then looked down and with fear and sadness, said, "But the worst part is... What if Twilight and her friends think I'm dead? What if Dark Heart has won? What if he's killed Twilight and is headed to Equestria right now? I can't bear the thought of Twilight being killed..." A tear in Garrett's left eye came down. Robin and Barbara hugged him, and Robin said, "It's okay Garrett. We're going to help you. And we'll see to it that Twilight doesn't die."

Robin Warner Meets Garrett ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now