The Man Called Constantine

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Robin, Barbara, Skittles, and Garrett were in the Watchtower. Robin was playing Tug of War with Skittles, who was growling playfully. Garrett was telling Robin and Barbara how he met Princess Twilight. "If it weren't for her," said Garrett, "I'd have never been reunited with my sister Sunset."

"That's sweet to know," said Barbara as she smiled. Skittles panted happily. "Is your sister into any stallions?" asked Robin. "Actually no, more like mares," replied Garrett. "Oh." Robin and Barbara said in realization. "Is there any girl, er, I mean, mare she's into?" Barbara asked. "Yeah, her name's Starlight Glimmer," said Garrett, "she's Twilight's student and a guidance counselor for the school of friendship." Robin and Barbara nodded.

Suddenly, fire came out of nowhere, then formed into a man. He was a white man with blond hair, blue eyes, a five o'clock shadow, he wore a white collared button-down shirt with a black tie, black pants with black dress shoes and a tan trench coat, and he was smoking a cigarette. This was John Constantine. Robin, Skittles, Barbara, and Garrett looked at the strange man. "Sting?" Robin asked, thinking this man looked like Police singer Sting. John looked at the cigarette he was smoking, and said, "Bloody Hell, when did this become a Looney Tunes cartoon?"

 "John, glad you could make it," said Batman as he walked in. "Well I owe ya mate," said John, "who's the horse and that Mickey Mouse lookalike?" Robin took offense at John's comparison of him to Mickey Mouse. Though, he probably deserved that for mistaking him for Sting. "Atticus, Barbara, Garrett, this is magic expert and exorcist John Constantine," introduced Batman, "John, this is my ward, Barbara Gordon, her boyfriend Robin Warner, their dog Skittles, and their recent acquaintance, Garrett Shimmer." Robin tipped his hat, and Garrett waved hello. "Looks like a real merry band," observed John, "now what's the favor mate?"

 "See the unicorn?" Batman asked, pointing at Garrett. "Garrett, I take it?" John asked, earning a nod from everyone. "He's from another dimension known as..." Batman struggled to remember the name, "What's it called again?" Garrett cleared his throat and said, "Equestria, Batman." John's eyes widened in surprise. "You can talk?" John asked, dumbfounded. "Yep," replied Garrett. "Are you a demon?" John asked, doubting that he was talking to a talking unicorn. "Nope, never been one," replied Garrett, "though ironically, my sister did become a demon. Temporarily. She's good now." John rubbed his head, trying to let this information sink in. "You're from Equestria, aye?" John asked, and Garrett nodded. John muttered to himself, "Bloody Hell, it does exist..."

 "You're aware of Equestria?" Robin asked. "I've heard of it as an alternate dimension in the Multiverse," said John, "but I thought it was hogwash. Like, some bloke made it up as a joke. Looks like whoever said Equestria exists was bloody right." Garrett cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Constantine, a dark entity blasted me to this dimension. I'm trying to get back home. Maybe to stop the monster behind this before he kills Everypony! Do you know a spell in particular that can get me home?" John smirked and said, "Everypony? Must be how you ponies talk. Lucky for you, I know a spell that'll get ya home." He then summoned an ancient looking book. "This is The Book of The Not So Deadly," he explained, "this book contains spells that are so harmless, that the likelihood of you being damned to go to Hell is very low. Now let's see, Equestria, Equestria... Ah, here we are." He then went to a certain page. He then read the spell, "Wibbly Wobbly, Jabberwocky. Here my words as I talkie. Open a portal to Equestria. And into the castle of Princess Celestia!" Suddenly, a portal opened up. Robin and Garrett looked at the portal. "Great Optimus Prime," said Garrett, "it's Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's castle! And it's still intact! I hope." Robin looked at the portal and said, "Only one way to find out. I'm going in. If this Dark Heart turns out to be in Ponyville, I'll call for back up." John nodded and said, "I'll cast a time spell that'll make what'll feel like seconds for us will be longer for you and Garrett, that way, you'll have all the time you need." Robin took off his cap, giving it to Skittles.

Barbara kissed Robin on the lips, and when she stopped, said, "Be safe out there Robin. I love you." Robin smiled and said, "Take care of Skittles. I love you too babe." Garrett looked at Batman and John, saying, "Thank you for helping me, Mr. Batman and Mr. Constantine. And it was nice meeting you Miss Gordon. Okay, I'm ready." Garrett and Robin then leapt into the portal that led to Princess Celestia and Luna's castle.

Robin Warner Meets Garrett ShimmerWhere stories live. Discover now