Twilight Goes Berserk Or... What Happened After Garrett Disappeared

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When Garrett was gone, the Mane 6 were shocked. "Garrett..." Twilight said in shock. Fluttershy said in shock, "He killed him..." Pinkie's usually fluffy hair deflated. Dark Heart grinned evilly. Twilight was then infuriated as she yelled out, "YOU MONSTER!!!" She then used her horn to stab Dark Heart. "Could it be that I've broken the Princess of Friendship?" Dark Heart taunted, pulling her horn out of him. "SHUT UP!" Twilight bellowed, revealing her aura, as she flew into the air with her wings, "you want my magic? I've been holding back on my magic for years. But right now, what we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am!" Twilight Sparkle was never the type of pony to go berserk. But Dark Heart had made her snap. Normally, she'd rely on the Magic of Friendship to stop the typical threat to Equestria. But now, she used all her aggression and rage. She didn't hold back as she used all her magic, blasting at Dark Heart. She gave a scream of pure, hate-filled fury as she blasted at Dark Heart, showing absolutely no mercy. Dark Heart yelled in pain until he was reduced to nothing more than dust. And just like that, he was dead. His army then disintegrated to dust, gone.

When Twilight could no longer here his screams of pain, she stopped her blasting, and flew down to the ground, exhausted. The other five ponies looked at each other with sympathy in their eyes. Fluttershy was the first to fly to Twilight, but quietly. Twilight panted in exhaustion. Fluttershy gently put her wing on Twilight's back. Twilight exhaustively looked at Fluttershy and asked, "Is he dead...?" Fluttershy sadly nodded. "I'm so sorry Twilight..." said a sympathetic Fluttershy. She then hugged her. Twilight hugged back tightly and started sobbing, burying her head in her shoulder; without her horn stabbing Fluttershy. The rest of the friends trotted forth and joined in on hugging Twilight. "It's okay Twilight..." cooed Fluttershy, "we're here... We know it hurts..." They were all devastated by Garrett's supposed death. He was a good friend to them all. Pinkie even shipped Twilight with Garrett.

After a few minutes, Applejack asked, "Not to ruin this moment y'all, but we're still stuck in this tarnation of a dark dimension. How're we gettin' outta here?" Once the hug was broken, Rarity said, "I have to agree with Applejack on this one." Twilight sighed and said, "I honestly don't know... We may as well be stuck here forever..."

But, as if on cue, the Mane 6 started to float. "W-what's happening?" Fluttershy asked in confusion and fright. "I think it's our Deus Ex Machina!" joked Pinkie. A flash of light, and the Mane 6 soon found they were back in Princess Celestia's castle. "We made it..." said Applejack. Then an old familiar voice said, "Thank goodness that spell worked. When Princess Celestia told me you all got sucked into a portal, I came in here as soon as I could." It was Sunset Shimmer. Spike was with her. Rainbow Dash said, "Thanks Sunset, we owe ya." Sunset smiled, until...

"Wait... Where's Garrett?" Sunset asked with concern, noticing he was missing from the Mane 6. Twilight knew that she'd eventually have to tell Sunset about her brother's death. Twilight sighed sadly and said, "Did Princess Celestia tell you of whom abducted us?" Sunset nodded. "Dark Heart, right?" she asked. "Yes," replied Twilight, "Dark Heart blasted at Garrett... He killed your brother... I'm so sorry Sunset..." It took Sunset a minute for the words to set in. Her little brother was dead. "Oh please no... Not him..." she said, covering her mouth, tears coming down her eyes. Twilight sadly hugged her, and Sunset burst into tears. The five other ponies and Spike looked down in silence.

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