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"Come on, Yoongi!"

An excited orange haired boy dragged behind a bored Yoongi. It was the first week of summer break and the yearly summer long carnival had arrived into town.

Usually, Yoongi wouldn't mind it but when he is forced to leave his comfortable bed for it, he hates it.

For the past few years, Yoongi was able to spend his time in bed cuddling his pillows. But this year, the horrible person who usually accompanied Hoseok and would be as excited as him, went on a family vacation.

And it was to the Caribbean, Yoongi felt unintentionally jealous. Yoongi even begged him to stay and he never begged anyone.

That person was Kim Seokjin, their other best friend. Though, Yoongi wouldn't go that far, but he even won't admit that he knew Hoseok. So there's that.

"Oh my God, Yoongi!!" Hoseok's scream pierced through Yoongi's dreams about blankets and pillows and murdering someone.

"What?" Yoongi asked, irritated.

"Let's go and ride the merry go round!" The cheerful boy started to drag Yoongi towards the god forsaken ride.

"No, that's for kids."

"But me and Jin hyung always ride it, it's our ritual." Hoseok whined, pulling on Yoongi's sleave.

"It's your ritual not mine. Can't you go alone?"

"No! I would look so lame," Hoseok pouted.

"You always look lame."


Yoongi thought for a while. Hoseok seemed pretty adamant on riding it, so there is no way that he'll leave Yoongi alone.

"How about a deal?" Yoongi concluded.

"A deal?" Hoseok asked, his expression suspicious.

Yoongi nodded.

"What's it going to be about?" Hoseok asked nervously.

"I will ride 3 rides of your choice, including the merry go round and in turn you will ride 3 rides of my choice and buy me whatever I want in the carnival."

"But that's not fair. Why should I buy you snacks?" Hoseok grumbled, his mood dampened a bit.

Yoongi smirked. "Because you are the one who wants something, not me. And you need to suffer for pulling me out of bed."

"How about every week? Me and Jin Hyung used to visit every Friday."

"You are pushing it."

Hoseok pouted and made puppy dog eyes.

Yoongi made a disgusted face. "Don't ever make that face again, it would never work on me. But okay?"


Yoongi shrugged. "I could change my mind and you have to buy me snacks every time we go."

"Okay, but any ride?"

Yoongi nodded. "Any ride."

Oh boy, he knew he was going to regret it.

I hope you love J-Hope like Bangtan does~ I kept the chapters short, (j)hope that doesn't bore you too much.

Be happy~

448 words

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