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"You're ready?" Yoongi asked a blushing Jimin

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"You're ready?" Yoongi asked a blushing Jimin.

It was finally Saturday which meant that it was the day, the day Yoongi would go on a date with Jimin.

It was 5:17 at the moment, and Yoongi had just picked up Jimin from the house he shared with a few of his friends, one of which Yoongi recognised as the tanned friend of Xuimen and Baekhyun, something like Jong out or something.

When Yoongi had rang the bell, Jimin had rushed out with flushed cheeks and practically pushed the blue haired boy towards his red car.

Yes, Yoongi had a red car, it was either this or his other black one, that smelled weird after Nam Joon and Seokjin had taken it for a grocery trip once.

Yoongi could only asume that Jimin's friends were embarrassing and the pink haired boy didn't want to creep the boy out. Either way, Yoongi was fine with this, because he also wouldn't ever voluntarily introduce his friends to his date.

Resembling a tomato, Jimin nodded, having clicked his belt.

"I'm really looking forward to this date Hyung." Jimin shyly told Yoongi, when they pulled away from his house.

This time, the blush that appeared on Jimin's cheeks was because of Yoongi.

"Don't have to much expectations Jimin, I'm not really good at planning a date." Yoongi replied, his hands clunching the wheel nervously.

Jimin smiled at him. "I'm sure I'll have fun either way."

What Yoongi had planned was quite simple and cliché but it was enjoyable. Many others probably have done this before a thousands times, but Yoongi knew that with Jimin every typical setting- which Yoongi would normally find boring- would be more entertaining.

Even then Yoongi was nervous. After all, it has been a long time since he had taken interest in someone, precisely 3 years and he was also afraid that Jimin might not be the person he had thought of him as.

It was true that Yoongi didn't knew Jimin very well, but love at first sight did exist. And Yoongi was determined to know Jimin properly after this date.

The car drive was silent, but comfortable, with a few songs playing on the radio. Every few seconds, Yoongi would glance at Jimin to see him humming to the song playing on the radio.

After a short car ride, they reached the first destination for their date.

An arcade.

"I know it's pretty cliche, but I wanted you to have fun. It's also that, I usually don't really like things like these but I wanted to make a good memory with you rather than the ones that I have with my friends, when most of the time I would brood in the corner-"

Yoongi stopped blabbering when he noticed Jimin laughing at him.

"Hyung, it's okay! I haven't been here for awhile so it's nice that I could come here again." Jimin's eyes curved as he giggled in to his hand.

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