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The next hour for Yoongi was the most embarrassing hour of his life.

During that hour, he was forced to ride the merry go round, endure strange looks from children and their parents and even forced to get his face painted, courtesy of Hoseok. But at least, Yoongi got to chose which one to get and Hoseok paid.

But he understood the strange looks. You don't usually see a small pale man in white a white shirt and black pants with a candy skull face paint, looking part of a black and white movie. And it's more unusual to see him with another lightly tanned man in bright clothes and butterfly face paint. What a match.

But the toture was finally over for Yoongi and about to start for Hoseok.

Cue evil laugh.

Yoongi couldn't help but smirk as he was once again dragged somewhere by Hoseok.

"Come on, Gi. Let's get cotton candy!" Hoseok shrieked loudly, spotting the cotton candy stall.

"You have to pay for me remember," Yoongi's smirk becoming even wider.

"Yeah, yeah," Hoseok ran to the stand, dragging Yoongi.

The stall was a average looking one, with pink and blue cotton candy theme -which being honest hurt Yoongi's eyes- but what caught Yoongi's attention was the boy manning the stall.

It was a fair boy with cotton candy pink hair, even though they were half covered by the hygiene cap. Even then he looked beautiful in Yoongi's eyes, Yoongi was positive he had never seen him before and no one ever looked that beautiful to him. Not even his ex- girlfriend or even Jin.

That boy just looked out of this world.

Yoongi didn't realize that he was staring and that the stall boy had asked him a question until Hoseok shook his elbow.

"Yoongi-ah, which colour do you want, pink or blue?"

Still dazed, Yoongi blinked and dumbly answered. "Pink like your hair."

The stall boy laughed, and Yoongi felt as if the heavens have opened upon him.

The pink haired boy's eyes curved in to two small crescents. He covered his mouth while laughing and the sound amazed Yoongi. It was so innocent, so pure, he would give anything to hear it for the rest of his life.

He was staring again and finally broke out seeing Hoseok staring at him strangely.

"Yoongs, are you okay? Do you want to go home?" Hoseok asked concerned.

Yoongi shook his head, clearing his head of the thoughts of the other boy. "No way, you are going to keep your end of the deal."

"Um, excuje me." (couldn't resist hehe)

Their talk was interrupted by the stall boy. He held two pink cotton candy sticks in his hand.

"Your cotton candies." He held them out to the other boys. Hoseok, bless him, quickly snatched it out of the boys hand and started to stuff it in his mouth, happily.

Was he already on a sugar rush? They only had an ice cream before, obviously paid by Hoseok.

Yoongi took it more gently and even gave the other boy a slight smile. "Thank you. I'm... Min Yoongi, by the way."

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin. Nice to meet you." Jimin perked up, with a happy smile. He seemed like a friendly and helpful person.

Yoongi liked that.

"I really like your face paint, Yoongi ssi." Jimin smiled at him causing he heart to flutter.

But before Yoongi could reply to him, Hoseok grabbed his arm, almost making him drop his cotton candy stick and started to jump up and down pointing towards something.

"Yoongi, Yoongs. Let's go on the carnival wheel."

Yoongi smirked, it was time for the real fun to began. "We have already rode 3 rides of you choice, now its my turn."

Hoseok eyes widened, he did needed to regret his decision.

Favorite song from Wings Album?
It's hard for me, but I guess Blood Sweat and Tears, because it's MV got VISUALS.

Have a good day, be happy

666 words

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