Chapter 26- Megatron's Return

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Emerald's pov

I have been bound to the Decepticon base for a year and slowly the bitterness that existed within me upon arrival slowly faded. Yes, I spent an entire year in the prison I swore I would escape while threatening the collections of heads. A year under Starscream's rule was similar to eternal torment, the guy who would try anything and everything to get between my legs. Not that I preferred Megatron's leadership but at least he was interested in what I could do on the battlefield and not what I could do in the bedroom.

I really needed to make an escape but the only problem was every time Soundwave and I had intimate moments or shared as much as a kiss all my plans of escaping diminished. My thoughts of using him to make my escape were forgotten the moment we engaged and confessed how we felt about each other. It's not that I didn't want to leave but how could I leave when love came into the picture?

How could I leave when I had been sleeping with the enemy for over one year? I was far too deep into this mess and now that I mentally confessed this it was fair to say that I had been oblivious.

I didn't feel the urge to leave anymore because regardless of where I was, Soundwave being here made me forget that I was hell bound. His love made me a willing prisoner both physically and mentally. We kept our affair a secret and I believe he was far better acting than I was.

I was free from dancing before these hungry men tonight as they were having a 'welcome back party' for the cons who left for a year. They should return sometime this evening and the aim was to surprise them. I wasn't allowed to party with them however, I was caged like a bird, Elsa being my only company in this dimly lit room.

"Well this fucking sucks" I hissed, my eyes on the empty tray in the distance. I had just eaten yet it felt as though I did not eat a thing.

"It doesn't suck to be here Emerald, it prevents you from accessing liquor" Elsa pointed out and I made a face at the watch.

"Nice one Elsa, comfort me for being bored" I remarked sarcastically only to jump in my current position when the door flew open. I almost fell off my bed backwards, my hands moving to the back of my helm (head) gently knowing what it would have received if I really fell.

How fortunate would that be for Megatron?

Soundwave entered the room in haste, closing the door swiftly by bending parts of it in an attempt to seal us in. Gunshots were heard even though loud music filled this entire base and I did what any human would do in such a situation and covered my ears while making my way to the floor.

Soundwave removed his mask only to stare at me, his face indicating that this was now a serious situation. He looked at me and I was actually terrified as to why he was still standing in the midst of all the distant explosions.

"In the name of the creator, are those gunshots?" I asked and Soundwave's eyes shifted from violet to red. It felt as though my audio receptors (ears) were close to leaking energon in a moment such as this one.

"Affirmative" was his one-worded reply as he gazed at the watch on his risk.

"What's going on?" I asked as he began shoving random furniture behind the metallic door. By furniture I referred to the metallic bed and metallic tables.

"Our helms (head) are wanted" he said while I closed my eyes as the shots neared, the effects far louder than before.

"What?" I crawled closer to Soundwave who finally lowered, his gloved hands on my arms.

"They wish to extinguish your spark and find a way to work around the fact that I am without a spark..." He told me as he pulled me to my feet, my eyes wild as I anticipated a stray bullet.

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