x marks the spot

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"It's, uh, not here" Adam said, referring the the photo Lawrence told him was.

"What?" Lawrence asked

"This photo you're talking about. It's not here"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah" Adam threw the wallet back over to Lawrence. He kept the photo of the tied up Alison and Diana which had Jigsaw's hint on the back. Lawrence began looking through the wallet to find the photo but it wasn't there. 

"He must have taken it"


They've been stuck in the bathroom for a few hours now, and they weren't any closer to figuring a way out.

"X marks the spot" Lawrence said. He began touching the pipes and feeling the wall. "X marks the spot. We need to search this room again. What are you doing over there?" He was talking to Adam, who was sitting on the edge of the tub, looking at the photo. "Excuse me!"

"Just because I'm stuck in this room with you doesn't mean I have to report to you every ten seconds" Adam said

"I really don't see the point in us not helping one another"

"What do you want me to do? I'm on a leash"

"Yeah, there's only so much we can do with limited mobility" Vivian added.

"That's exactly why we need to talk. We need to think" Lawrence said

"I am thinking!" Adam said

"Well then don't keep me in the dark about what you're thinking!"

"Well, the only thing I can think about right now is how hungry I am" Vivian said. She noticed the look on Adam's face. Like he had just realized something. "What's going on Adam?"

"Turn off the lights" he said.

"What?" Lawrence asked

"Turn them off, now. Please?" Adam said, standing up.


"Just turn them off for a second" Lawrence turned off the lights. Adam and Vivian noticed it right away, but Lawrence didn't. He just shrugged. "Jesus, behind you" He looked and finally noticed the glowing X.

"How come we didn't see that before?" 

"It must be glow in the dark paint. It probably wasn't charged up" Vivian said. Lawrence turned the light back on, and then grabbed the saw that was on the ground. He began breaking the wall with it. Once he made a big enough hole, he reached inside it and pulled out a box. He placed it on the ground and sat down. 

"Open it" Adam said

"It's locked. The key, the one from my envelope, where is it?" Lawrence asked. Adam looked around and found the key. He picked it up and threw it over to Lawrence. Lawrence grabbed the key and unlocked the box with it. Inside was a cellphone. He picked it up and showed it to Vivian and Adam.

"A cellphone. The most beautiful invention on this planet!" Lawrence also revealed a cigarette. Adam seemed real happy about it. "Make that second most beautiful invention. Give me that"

"Are you serious?" Vivian asked.

"She's right. You're really going to put something you found in this room in your mouth?" Lawrence said.

"Yes, I'm willing to risk it. Give me that sweet cancer" Adam said. Lawrence ignored him. He tossed everything else that was in the box to the side, except for a small note. "I don't care. I really don't. Give me one of those"

The cigarettes are harmless, I promise. Smoking is only poisonous when it ends in bloodshed. Think about this-you don't need a gun to kill Adam or Vivian.

"May I please have a cigarette?" Adam asked again.

"Shut up about the cigarette, will you?" Vivian said. 

"I'm trying the police" Lawrence said. He dialled 911 but the call never went through. He tried again but there was still no luck. "Shit. This was meant to receive calls, not make them. Wait a minute, this has happened before"

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