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"It's terrible right?" Youngjae sighed, removing his hands off the piano. He felt someone place a hand on his shoulder and knew it was Jaebum.

"No, it was good. What made you think it wasn't?"

"It's too simple. It doesn't really stand out to me that much. I want to make it something that I'm satisfied with and I feel like there's something missing." Youngjae looked at his boyfriend.

"You're overhinking things." Jaebum bummed. "But in way, you make sense."

"I don't know what's missing though."

"Try adding a little bit off story in it"


"Yeah, like any story. It could be tragic, comedic, melodramatic, sweet- depends on you really."

"I'll try."

"I bet it'll be better than what you'll think it would be."

~4 hours later~

"Hyung~" Youngjae giggled as Jaebum's head slipped to his neck, tickling the younger. "Hyung if you're sleepy, go to bed."

"Come with me to bed Youngjae." He lazily said, wrapping his arms around the younger, making him drop his pen.

"But I haven't finished yet." He whined. Jaebum chuckled, earning a smack from the younger. "Don't be dirty minded."

"The world won't stop spinning if you don't finish your song Jaejae."

"Okay." He breathed out.

Jaebum didn't waste his time dragging the other to Hus bedroom. Since Youngjae wore a loose shirt and sweatpants, he didn't need to change. Jaebum took off his shirt, leaving him on his basketball shorts.

He snuggled next to his boyfriend, kissing him on the lips before drifting to sleep.

𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚜𝚢 ☆ 𝟸𝚓𝚊𝚎 ✔ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora