It's actually happening

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As soon as my alarm clock goes off there is a grin on my face.




I feel a bit guilty for yelling like that because Logan shot up and fell out of bed. I peek over the edge to find his face first on the carpet, just laying there.


"Patton Sanders, something better be horribly wrong because that hurt my face."

"Awwwwww I'm sorry Logie, but I'm just so excited!"

I pull him back up to bed and kiss his nose. He gives me a small smile before turning away to yawn.

"Logan, today is the day!"

One glance at his phone is all it takes for Logan to break out into a full-blown smile, I couldn't help but swoon at the sight. I love seeing Logan smile like that, even if it happens on occasion.

"It does seem to be the day, as you put it."

"I'm so excited!! Logie, we're becoming parents today!"

"We need to get dressed if we want to make it to our appointment on time my love. Remember, dress-"

"Casual formal. I remember. I even picked our clothes!"

Giving me another smile and a kiss Logan gets up to get ready, myself following close behind. Both of our smiles don't leave throughout the entire routine, Logan's only gets a bit smaller but that's just him.

"What did you pick for us love?"

I smile bigger and grab our clothes from the closet. "Nothing too out there don't worry."

For Logan, I picked out a black button-down with some solid dark blue jeans and a new tie I bought him. For myself I have a blue button down, black jeans and I figured I can just hold my cardigan instead of wearing it around my shoulders.

Feeling a kiss on my cheek snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn towards Logan, who is already dressed, and return his smile.

"Thank you, Patton. I enjoy this outfit very much and believe it will suffice for today's events."

"I'm glad you like it Lo! I figured you would like the simplicity of it mixed with your everyday style."

Logan gives me another big smile, "I swear I love you more every day."

I giggle while pulling him into a hug and a kiss. "Go start the coffee while I get dressed. I'll never understand how you get ready so fast." 

Logan smiles and nods before releasing me, making his way down to the kitchen. I start my morning routine with a little more excitement than usual.

Later today I'll be a parent. My husband and I will be parents. We are going to have a child living with us now. 

Today is the day. It is actually happening. 
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Hope you enjoyed💙

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